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Revolutionizing Healthcare by Tracking and Understanding Human Cells during Disease

Descrizione del progetto

Avanzamenti nell’approccio europeo alla medicina

I meccanismi sottostanti a diverse malattie complesse, come il cancro e le malattie neurodegenerative, non sono ancora stati chiariti completamente. C’è quindi bisogno di ricerca integrata nel campo delle malattie croniche e incurabili. L’iniziativa LifeTime, finanziata dall’UE, costituirà una rete per lo sviluppo, l’integrazione e l’applicazione di una serie di tecnologie rivoluzionarie volte a migliorare la nostra comprensione delle malattie. Il consorzio riunirà oltre 100 istituzioni di ricerca che si occuperanno di analisi di singole cellule, imaging avanzato, modelli organoidi di malattie e intelligenza artificiale. Complessivamente, il lavoro realizzato e le innovazioni introdotte dal consorzio in merito all’attività del nostro genoma nel tempo (invecchiamento o malattia) a livello di singola cellula potranno ridefinire il concetto di diagnosi e di patologia. Ciò promuoverà inoltre importanti progressi nella pratica biomedica e clinica, a diretto vantaggio dei pazienti europei.


"Understanding how genomes function within cells, and how cells form tissues and dynamically remodel their activities when tissues progress towards disease is among the grand science and technology challenges of our era. The early detection and interception of chronic and progressive diseases would alleviate enormous suffering and a heavy, growing burden on our economy and ageing society. LifeTime aims to revolutionize healthcare by developing and integrating several emerging, disruptive technologies (single-cell multi-omics, advanced imaging, machine learning/artificial intelligence (AI), organoids, and CRISPR-Cas). LifeTime technologies will track and decipher the activity of our genomes (our ""book of life"") in individual cells as they progress through time (ageing or disease)-""LifeTime"". LifeTime's unifying goal is to quantify, model, and predict cell trajectories in tissues and whole organisms. Its long-term vision is that LifeTime technologies will inform the physician about the molecular history of a patient's tissues, their future, and the consequences of perturbations or medical treatments, leading to early diagnosis and effective interception of disease. LifeTime scientists are world-leaders in the required technologies and are committed to establishing an open and dynamic network. LifeTime's focus on developing, integrating and applying several disruptive technologies will induce long-lasting structural changes in European life sciences and healthcare and establish leadership in AI applications for medicine. Together with many industrial partners, we will develop technologies to redefine diagnosis and pathology, and set new standards for mechanism-based drug discovery and disease management for the 21st century. Such advances and their ensuing medical transformation will significantly impact the health of European citizens and stimulate the economy with tremendous benefit for society as a whole."

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 596 250,00
13125 Berlin

Mostra sulla mappa

Berlin Berlin Berlin
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 621 250,00

Partecipanti (19)