CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement

Descripción del proyecto

Sensores digitales para controlar la movilidad y el avance de enfermedades

Médicos, científicos, centros académicos destacados, empresas y las mayores industrias farmacéuticas y médicas del mundo están trabajando conjuntamente para desarrollar un sistema de sensores revolucionario para controlar el modo de andar en la vida cotidiana. La movilidad se considera el «sexto signo vital» de salud, según lo que un andar pobre como cuando se anda despacio se relaciona con un mayor riesgo de enfermedad, deterioro cognitivo, riesgo de caídas e incluso muerte temprana. El proyecto Mobilise-D desarrollará una tecnología digital que incluirá sensores corporales para controlar la movilidad. El objetivo es obtener una solución para la evaluación de la movilidad digital en el mundo real y validar los resultados de movilidad digital con el fin de predecir variables clínicas de la esclerosis múltiple, la recuperación de fracturas de cadera, la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica y la enfermedad de Parkinson. Los resultados facilitarán el desarrollo de fármacos y crearán una hoja de ruta para la aplicación clínica de nuevas herramientas digitales que identifiquen, estratifiquen y controlen la discapacidad.


Optimal treatment of the impaired mobility resulting from ageing and chronic disease is one of the 21st century's greatest challenges facing patients, society, governments, healthcare services, and science. New interventions are a key focus. However, to accelerate their development, we need better ways to detect and measure mobility loss. Digital technology, including body worn sensors, has the potential to revolutionise mobility assessment. The overarching objectives of MOBILISE-D are threefold: to deliver a valid solution (consisting of sensor, algorithms, data analytics, outcomes) for real-world digital mobility assessment; to validate digital outcomes in predicting clinical outcome in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, proximal femoral fracture recovery and congestive heart failure; and, to obtain key regulatory and health stakeholder approval for digital mobility assessment. The objectives address the call directly by linking digital assessment of mobility to clinical endpoints to support regulatory acceptance and clinical practice. MOBILISE-D consists of 35 partners from 13 countries with long, successful collaboration, combining the requisite expertise to address the technical and clinical challenges. To achieve the objectives, partners will jointly develop and implement a digital mobility assessment solution to demonstrate that real-world digital mobility outcomes can successfully predict relevant clinical outcomes and provide a better, safer and quicker way to arrive at the development of innovative medicines. MOBILISE-D's results will directly facilitate drug development, and establish the roadmap for clinical implementation of new, complementary tools to identify, stratify and monitor disability, so enabling widespread, cost-effective access to optimal clinical mobility management through personalised healthcare.

Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 3 590 382,85
NE1 7RU Newcastle Upon Tyne
Reino Unido

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North East (England) Northumberland and Tyne and Wear Tyneside
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 4 297 692,00

Participantes (37)