Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SALUTE (Smart Acoustic Lining for UHBR Technologies Engines)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-03-01 al 2022-11-30
The SALUTE project has tackled these challenges by developing a new acoustic liner technology based on arrays of small loudspeakers or passive membranes. This innovative approach is proved to be able to deliver excellent sound absorption at low frequencies while remaining sufficiently small to fit into thin nacelle geometries. This development has been carried out on three different concepts, which has been compared and down-selected in the course of the project.
According to the project flow, these acoustic treatments were first tested using 2D (i.e. flat) prototypes at TRL 3, which constituted the baseline configuration of the project. The SALUTE project went further by testing 3D prototypes with a geometry corresponding to a small-scale fan at the PHARE test facility. This allows us to validate TRL4 of the proposed system and the associated manufacturing processing. Secondly, gaining more insight into the physical interaction between the transducers, the control system and the high-speed flow has been studied and results published for future developments. This has been achieved through multi-physics simulations coupling the adaptive liner and aero-acoustic flow validated by experimental confrontation.
The SALUTE project belongs to the Clean Sky 2 program.
The works carried out on the second period of SALUTE project was dedicated to the fabrication and first experimental characterizations of the planar liners and the development of the associated numerical tools. The most important deliverable of this period is the electro-active liners with all functional cells that has been characterized on dedicated tube with flow. The second defined technology has also been validated by CDR and it will be ready for NLR test in the next few days. In parallel a strong effort was devoted to numerical developments in order to furnish tools for future 3D implementation.
The last period allowed us to build and test the inlet prototypes in PHARE bench that validates our technology TRL at 4. We also updated and finalized numerical tools allowing to explain the experimental measurements and optimized the setup and the control strategy in a complex architecture. Based on these very important results, one proposed new process and technologies for preparing TRL 5 demonstration. One tested 3 new lightweight transducers and plastronic assembly. The obtained results give new way for improving the propose active acoustic liner technology for future implementation.
To sum up, SALUTE project produced :
• 2D demonstrators validating TRL 3
• 3D demonstrators validating TRL 4
• Propositions of different solutions tackling blocking challenges toward TRL 5 : new transducers, integration process, control strategies…
• Designing numerical tools form the component to the full coupled aeroelastic system
The main project dissemination and exploitation performed were :
• Participation to 6 conferences and 5 workshops (and 3 expected in 2023)
• Publication of 6 journal papers (and 4 expected in 2023)
• 1 film and 2 exhibitions
The measures to maximize impact will really starts after the acoustic characterization of our planar large sample liner prototype especially with the aero acoustic test in July 2020. Some specific papers are already proposed for conference publication and workshop pointed out specific tools and results firstly obtained.
The last tests of the final inlet prototype is a real breakthrough in noise treatment technologies opening the path of new compact, efficient and adaptive smart liners. The lasts obtained results demonstrates that TRL 5 and 6 can be achieved by using lighter and integrated new technologies that have been proposed and identified in the project.