Periodic Reporting for period 3 - FORCeS (Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections)
Berichtszeitraum: 2022-10-01 bis 2024-03-31
i. New fundamental understanding of physical and chemical processes involving aerosols and clouds;
ii. Climate models with new and improved descriptions of aerosols and aerosol-cloud interactions;
iii. Improved predictions of climate evolution in the context of climate policy, particularly the PA;
iv. Improved quantification and reduction of uncertainty related to aerosol radiative forcing, climate sensitivity and transient climate response.
FORCeS successfully reached the anticipated outcomes. All the planned laboratory and field experiments were completed, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, and the results were published in open-access archives and publications. These observations provide unique and novel insights into aerosols and aerosol-cloud interaction processes. Based on the fundamental knowledge, we have made concrete recommendations on the representation of key components and processes governing aerosol forcing in ESMs and developed new parameterizations for missing key processes. The recommendations and parameterizations were implemented in the FORCeS ESMs and used to provide new estimates of the near-term climate evolution. Several new and complementary approaches to constraining equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) and transient climate response (TCR) – i.e. measures that are central for climate projections and hence steps towards meeting the PA targets – have emerged from FORCeS. The new constraints show an increased probability of TCR and ECS values in the upper range of the IPCC AR6 estimates.
The objectives of FORCeS were designed to meet the following impacts:
i. Supporting major international scientific assessments;
ii. Increase confidence in climate projections;
iii. Providing added value to decision- and policymakers;
iv. Sustaining Europe’s leadership in climate science.
FORCeS delivered results that ensure its targeted impacts. FORCeS outcomes have been included in past assessments such as those by the IPCC AR6 and the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP), and the project has delivered updated ESMs that will be used in the upcoming IPCC AR7. Furthermore, FORCeS took strategic steps towards enhancing the dialogue between different aerosol-cloud-climate research communities and summarized recommendations on the treatment of key aerosol and cloud processes in ESMs. Together with the above work, these efforts will lead to the desired increased confidence in climate projections. In dialogue with stakeholders, FORCeS delivered three policy briefs (“Is there a conflict between the clean air goals of the European Green Deal and climate neutrality”, “Air quality and climate policies: Moving forward after COVID-19”, and “Aerosol impacts on regional climate”), which have framed their questions in the context of the PA. The knowledge has been disseminated from the FORCeS community to relevant policymakers through workshops and media channels. From a wider perspective, FORCeS provided essential information for developing cost-effective multi-beneficial abatement strategies, providing better health and resilient food production, in support of several of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The novel and innovative methods applied in FORCeS to evaluate the performance of ESMs will lead to further improvements of these models. Together with educating and mentoring a cohort of active Early Career Researchers, FORCeS has promoted and sustained Europe’s leading position in climate science.