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International network for Leveraging sUccessful Cultural heritage Innovations and Diplomacy, cApacity building and awaREness raising

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ILUCIDARE (International network for Leveraging sUccessful Cultural heritage Innovations and Diplomacy, cApacity building and awaREness raising)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-06-01 al 2022-04-30

ILUCIDARE built international connections for heritage-led innovation.

Our aim was to make heritage-led innovation and international relations in Europe an example for sustainable development and international cooperation through a diversity of collaborative actions.

ILUCIDARE was a 3 year Horizon 2020 project (3 million euro budget), which contributes to the overall objectives of the Communication Towards an EU strategy for international cultural relations (JOIN/2016/029) and EU international cooperation in research and innovation (COM(2012)497).

The project was led by the University of Leuven (Belgium) and brings together 8 international partners: EUROPA NOSTRA (the Netherlands), KEA European Affairs (Belgium), World Monuments Fund (Spain), Cultural Heritage without Borders (Kosovo), Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador), International Cultural Centre (Poland), IMEC (Belgium). The project aims at promoting heritage as a resource for innovation and international cooperation.
Some of the main objectives of this project were:

• Developing an international network on experiences in heritage-led innovations and international relations
• Creating a systemic framework for ILUCIDARE, resulting in an operational Innovation Handbook and International Relations Display – validated by a variety of local actors, experts, and porfessionals
• Develop, coach and monitor capacity building to foster enhanced capacity of EU and third countries to manage, enhance and safeguard heritage, particularly where it is at risk
• Coordinate face-to-face initiatives to support, align and manage the ILUCIDARE network and understand local actors
The project achieved its goal by conducting research and implementing a series of knowledge-sharing and awareness raising activities around the globe.

We created connections between over 600 actors from all over the world and an online audience of more than 3000 people.

1\ We organised 25 training activities, in Europe, the Western Balkans, North and Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, including 11 coaching sessions, 12 capacity buildings and 2 training courses, consisting of a vast body of blended and on-site knowledge exchanges. More information can be found in our ILUCIDARE International Relations Display ( and articles about our Summer School on heritage-led innovation ( and Autumn School on Built heritage documentation (

2\ We successfully implemented the ILUCIDARE experience map in 22 co-creation ateliers, with representatives from business, research and education, civil society NGOs, and H2020 synergy projects.

3\ We sparked unconventional encounters and interactive discussions about innovation in 5 ILUCIDARE Playgrounds in Belgium, Kosovo and Ecuador.

4\ We put the spotlight on 4 winners of our ILUCIDARE Special Prizes, awarded within the European Heritage Awards/ Europa Nostra Awards scheme, chosen from 15 shortlisted projects showcasing heritage-led innovation and international relations examples. In addition, we selected 1 winner for the ILUCIDARE challenge, an international competition rewarding creative ideas and changemakers worldwide around the topics of: heritage, innovation and international relations. The winners of these prizes and challenge took part in our Champions Programme and contributed to many insights of the project:

- ILUCIDARE Special Prize winners 2020:
- ILUCIDARE Special Prize winners 2021:
- Winner of the ILUICDARE challenge: The Wattle and Red Earth Collective in Jamaica:

5\ Together with our ILUCIDARE network we learned a lot!
- We shaped the first-ever handbook on heritage and innovation, together with 11 innovation practitioners and showcasing 130 case studies from Europe. (
- We consolidated our practical experience and lessons on conducting capacity buildings in Third Countries in a capacity building roadmap (
- Our Inspiration Kit was developed based on and capitalising on the experience gained by during the whole course of our project, and showcases a wide variety of innovative projects (
- A policy document that culminates inputs and experiences of the entire ILUCIDARE project – both from the partners as well as all the participants in its various activities in the EU and beyond (
- We created a one-stop-shop for e-learning with our ILUCI-Dare to learn YouTube Channel. ( and
ILUCIDARE activities (onsite and online) reached out, managed and engaged with its international network (community) of heritage practitioners and stakeholders, which accounts for around 1.500 “core” stakeholders and 3.400 in its online community.

The ILUCIDARE “core” community builds on the members of the ILUCIDARE consortium, which counts on already established international networks in the field of heritage (tangible, intangible, digital, natural, landscape), innovation and international cooperation. This initial group has been enlarged during the project lifespan to include people and organisations that interacted with ILUCIDARE throughout its various onsite activities and online communication/dissemination channels (e.g. website, social media).

While understanding the importance and benefits of digital engagement, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ILUCIDARE was careful to dedicate particular attention to place-based engagement activities to reinforce social ties between project partners and participants. This was a conscious choice taking into account the digital divide and low media literacy of many stakeholders where the project was active, especially in remote rural areas such as Susudel, Ecuador. In these locations, a complete switch to online activities would have cut out a considerable portion of potential ILUCIDARE community members. In line with the “people-first” and co-creation approach embraced by project partners since the very beginning, ILUCIDARE opted for an inclusive approach considering blended onsite-online activities whenever possible.
This attention towards personal and face-to-face interactions, while challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, allowed ILUCIDARE to plant seeds into various local communities to “cultivate relationships” even after the project lifespan. ILUCIDARE has already identified several initiatives at EU and local level kick-started by the project which will continue after its end through cooperation and exchanges established during ILUCIDARE, notably in Ecuador and Kosovo.
Capacity Building Locations
Idea from Autumn School
Final Playground
ILUCI-dare to learn
Idea from Capacity Buildings
Innovation Handbook
Capacity Building Roadmap
Idea from Capacity Buildings
Inspiration Kit
Idea from Capacity Buildings