CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU



Berichtszeitraum: 2018-07-01 bis 2020-09-30

UAinEUratom action is initiated in order to support deeper integration and improved participation of Ukrainian researchers and research entities in Euratom research activities with future aim to increase their participation in Euratom projects and thereby enabling a more broad and effective cooperation in the field of research on fission and fusion, and fully exploiting the potential of Ukrainian research entities regarding their infrastructures, capacities and research programmes.

Euratom aims to pursue nuclear research and training activities with an emphasis on continually improving nuclear safety, security and radiation protection, notably to contribute to the long-term decarbonisation of the energy system in a safe, efficient and secure way. Current and future technologies of nuclear energy exploitation are a crucial part of our life as energy customers. UAinEUratom action is implemented by the Euratom National Contact Point in Ukraine that provides information awareness among relevant to Euratom research audience as well as public society.

UAinEUratom action overall objectives
- Strengthening of UA scientists participation to Euratom programmes;
- Enhancing of Ukrainian - EU networking activities in Euratom research area;
- Raising of Euratom programme awareness among representatives of Ukrainian research centers, SMEs, authorities and strengthening the link between Euratom and Ukrainian science communities;
UAinEUratom action is implementing in order to support deeper integration and improved participation of Ukrainian researchers and research entities in Euratom research activities. A lot of Euratom NCP in Ukraine activities have been done under the action for Ukrainian - EU networking activities, raising Euratom awareness among UA stakeholders, improving skills of NCP staff and training for UA relevant audience:
- 8 international travels for UA researchers have been supported
- Euratom Info Day in Ukraine was hold in Kyiv in April, 2019
- 4 trainings on project management and 4 trainings on H2020 issues were hold for UA relevant audience
- 11 events including remote trainings for improvement of NCP staff skills were implemented
- Web site, newsletter and other promo materials were created for Euratom programme promotion in Ukraine (
- Telecommunication center of Euratom NCP in Ukraine and telecommunication point for fission were established, telecommunication point for fusion and 2 administrative points were upgraded for better remote communications between UA and EU researchers and internal links between UA stakeholders relevant to Euratom.
Expected results of UAinEuratom action are
- knowledge and experience of UA Euratom scientists will be strengthened in the area of Euratom and H2020 programme activities
- UA Euratom NCP services will be improved across Ukrainian stakeholders through trainings on H2020 Euratom calls, consulting of stakeholders on EU H2020 Euratom rules and regulations, creation of communication and promotional tools like telecommunication center, web resource, bulletins.
- Access to key Euratom platforms and events will be provided for Ukrainian researchers and entities by membership in Euratom platforms, participation at the key Euratom forums and research related events
- Information on Euratom calls among Ukrainian researchers and entities involved in Euratom research activities will be shared.
- Communication and dissemination activities will be implementing (Data base creation, Teleconference tool, Arrangement of Info Day, trainings, sections at KIPTs conferences, Web resource, E-bulletins, promotional materials, Participation at Euratom conferences and forums, participation to general public innovation events to inform Ukrainian general audience about importance of Euratom activities for society, etc.)
UAinEuratom training on project management, September 2019
UAinEuratom training on H2020, October 2019
UAinEuratom training on project management, September 2019
Euratom Info Day in Ulraine, April 2019
UAinEuratom training on H2020, October 2019