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Capturing the value of intangible assets in micro data to promote the EU's growth and competitiveness

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Set-up of pilot questionnaire, case interviews and datasets

Task 41 Development of the questionnaire This task will focus on the development of the structured questionnaire that will be used in the survey An accompanying manual will be developed providing brief definitions and interpretation of questions as a guidance to both the interviewer and the interviewee NTUATask 42 Definition of the survey methods The samples will be drawn from the commercially available database Orbis or alternatively national registries We aim for a sample of 2000 completed responses with specific targets per sector group manufacturing services adjusted to reduce the sample weight on less IC intensive industries construction utilities distribution transport and accommodation Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews CATI will be used NTUA

Academic article on the role of policy for the build up and use of intangibles for innovation

Academic article on the role of policy for the build up and use of intangibles for innovation UMAN lead UVA ULJ

Book section/academic article on gender and age productivity-wage gaps in innovation-type work.

Genderwage and productivitywage gaps analysed simultaneously also in view of how IAs related to the gaps UL UVA STN

DCE plan and needs assessment report

DCE Plan - Web platform and communication assessment. We will build a functional website with the use of a series of existing, audience-specific communication channels. The website with all its add-ons (blogs, twitter, etc.) is one of the primary tools for external communication. Other means for external communication such as policy briefs, conference contributions, project events, statistics and indicator group meetings and social media activity will be in use.

Academic article on digitalization in the production process – key concepts and measurement.

Digitalization and platforms. This task will develop a framework for how the role of ICT in productivity can be measured and analysed. This includes the role of digitalization through platforms, innovation on ICTs, the complementarity for organisational competences and new ways of doing business in this context. [UPSud lead, STN]

Preliminary Analysis report on new ways of processing data and indicators, encompassing lead chapters from all Tasks 3.1 – 3.10.

Linking micro-level measures of intangibles with business statistics and LEED data building on the FP7 Innodrive methodology. Develop, validate and refine firm-level measures of related intangibles. For countries where LEED data is not available, we will develop and test methods to measure intangibles using occupation data at more aggregated levels. [AU, UVA, UL, STN]

Academic article on innovation behaviour in SMEs and services and barriers to entry.

SMEs and barrier to entry consider firm size and IA formation AU lead UVA STN UL

Academic article on validating empirical results and novel data by comparison with empirical results using existing intangible asset data.

Academic article on validating empirical results and novel data by comparison with empirical results using existing intangible asset data UHAM

Report that identifies and describes networks of owner-managers, investors and other people who recurrently appears in business boards, linking these networks with firm-level data and providing statistics of firm characteristics and performance.

Develop, validate and refine micro-level measures of intangibles related to owners’ business network participation, based on ownership data linking owner-managers of SMEs with data for business board chairmanship and board membership. Identify other participants in business board networks with frequent board participation and their characteristics. [STN]

A working paper for measuring the intangibles using survey data

An overview of existing data will be prepared and based on the new definition as well as based on approaches to capture a specific variable in the literature a set of surveybased variables will be suggested

Policy Brief on the role of public sector intangibles in innovation policy

Policy Brief on policy designs in public sector intangible assets

A working paper on local value chains, intangibles and productivity.

Global value chains This delivery will seek to include the value creation dimension in the globalized context and develop a framework for how global value chains and knowledge spillovers can be conceptualised and measured UPSud lead NTUA

Formulating the industry-level data on intangibles in Europe in a web form

Formulating the industrylevel data on intangibles in Europe in a web form in order to be uploaded in the projects webpage NTUA UHAM

Impact of public sector intangibles and its components on firms performance: an assessment with policy proposals

Impact of public sector intangibles and its components on firms performance an assessment with policy proposals UPA lead ULJ

Set-up of subcontracted survey - monitoring and assessment for quality control

Task 43 Implementation of case interviews and cognitive testing Interview case studies will inform survey development both through more indepth information on perceptions of intangibles investments and cognitive testing of survey questions We expect to carry out 10 case studies either by skype or face to face per country NTUATask 44 Pilottest subcontracted A smallscale pilottest will be executed in order to test the acceptance comprehension of the questionnaire prior to the fullscale survey implementation The pilottest will involve some 25 telephone interviews Following the pilot test the questionnaire will be adjusted accordingly as well as the accompanying manual first in the English version and then in the translated versions ULJTask 45 Survey preparations subcontracted This task involves recruiting and training of the interviewers and setting up the monitoring procedures We will select the interviewers with the required language skills and educational background from the interviewer corps of the subcontractor ULJ

Final report describing the survey results and methodology

Final report A statistical analysis will cover IC investment figures given by corporate management allowing for a general overview of the main trends of private ICs and their relation to public ICs Exact figures are collected to provide estimates on the extent of skilled workforce using their working time to develop new intangibles Questionnaire should also provide new estimates of expected life length of each IC category

Policy brief on microeconomic and macroeconomic underpinnings of growth
Data Management Plan

All aspects relating to the financial management of the project will be the responsibility of the partner UVA, which will also be in charge of the reporting needs of the project.

Academic articles on the impact of intangible investments on productivity growth

Econometric work on growth based on existing methodologies on IAs taking into account ICT and its interaction with other ICs STN UVA UAR

Academic article on ICT and its interaction with other ICs as determinants of growth.

Analysis forus on ICT and its interaction with other ICs as determinants of growth STN lead AU UVA

Academic article on the role of intangible investments in technological, ICT, organisational and other capabilities in explaining the role of supply and demand side factors in the productivity puzzle

The role of intangible investments in technological ICT organisational and other capabilities in explaining the role of supply and demand side factors in the productivity puzzle UAR lead UVA UAR ULJ M24

Academic article on knowledge diffusion

Analysis of the knowledge diffusion in the productivity puzzle taking account of complementarities between tangible and intangible assets Delbecque et al 2015 and factor prices Tsutomu et al 2016UPSud lead UVA AU

Academic article analysing the relationship between the rule of law and intangible capital investment by businesses

Academic article analysing the relationship between the rule of law and intangible capital investment by businesses UHAM

Micro level intangibles measurement - the case of the public sector.

Develop microlevel measures of intangibles in the public sector using LEED data and based on conceptual work in WP7 For countries where LEED data is not available we will develop and test methods to measure intangibles using education and occupation data at more aggregated levelsUL UPSud

Academic article on intangibles in GVC and export performance.

Microeconometric work on potential linkages intangibles and exporting using EUROSTAT inputoutput and WIOD dataNTUA UVA STN

A working paper on defining key concepts for intangible assets and productivity.

Defining new concepts for intangibles and productivity. Building on state of the art reviewed in WP1, this task will explore and further develop concepts for intangible assets and measures of firm productivity. Work will consider different approaches to conceptualisation and measurement, taking into account differences in data infrastructure across EU countries. [UHAM lead, UL, UPSud]

Policy roundtable

Policy roundtable on the role of policy for development and use of intangible assets also in public sector

Global perspective on innovation value chains and related industrial policy, intended as book chapter.

Global perspective on innovation value chains and related industrial policy, intended as book chapter. [UHAM lead, NTUA, other partners]

Policy Brief on policy designs in intangible assets and innovation policy

Policy Brief on intangible assets in innovation policy

Dissemination and exploitation landscape: short updates on opportunities for exploitation, new and relevant work by partners

The consortium will constantly screen for and harness dissemination and exploitation opportunities. This will be continuously updated in the DCE plan, including assembling, expanding and updating our list of stakeholders and interest from NSIs in EU countries (also non-participating countries) in joining workshops, policy briefs or data processing activities. A Dissemination and exploitation plan will be developed at the beginning of the project and discussed with the PO and other stakeholders in the kick off meeting. This also includes the planning of dissemination and exploitation activities. We will address stakeholder groups that could be users of our metrics, performance and impact assessment approaches (EC, funding agencies, etc.) in the form of policy briefs and back-to-back meetings with statistical gatherings. We will involve them at strategic points in the project: • Assessing users’ needs through stakeholder questionnaire survey (M5) and small workshop oriented to the statistical community (M7). • Workshop on scenarios for the implementation of new indicators and methods in the European Statistical System (M24) • Presentations and Policy brief D7.8 on policy designs in intangible assets and innovation policy (M24) as a back-to-back meeting (NTTS2019/21 series)

Academic article on linking intangible inputs in knowledge spillovers and productivity growth.

Academic article on linking intangible inputs in knowledge spillovers and productivity growth Knowledge spillovers can relate to horisontal or vertical integration UVA lead NTUA ULJ

Survey on challenges of new growth

Literature review on the productivity puzzle, focusing on studying the productivity literature in detail, providing a micro-foundation to macro understanding of productivity patterns. Particular focus will be given to identifying the demand and supply-side factors that affect productivity as well as their contribution, including the role of the state and governance quality. [UL lead, all partners]

Academic article on new intangible assets, interfirm mobility with gender wage gaps and ageing of workforce.

Paper consider gender wage gaps as well as ageing workforce and economic growth UVA lead STN UAR M24

Broad intangibles and environmental policy as drivers of environmental innovations and economic performance

Environmental innovations have received increasing interest in environmental policy and innovation strategies of firms Combining several Finnish datasets this paper studies firms environmental protection investments environmental policy such as environmental taxes and subsidies and broad intangibles how they impact firm environmental and other innovativeness and subsequently economic performance

"A unified dataset in SPSS format with ""instruction guide"""

Task 47 Dataset Data will be stored in a database during the CATI survey Quality control will be performed in order to deliver a cleaned and corrected version of the final dataset with all survey results in SPSS format and with possible use of weighting schemes if necessary ULJ NTUA

Literature review on intangibles and public policies.

State of the art in policy frameworks. A structured and systematic literature review explores the state of the art when it comes to the role of policy, regulatory and fiscal framework conditions for the generation (supply) and in particular the adoption and use (demand) of intangible assets (ICT, R&D competences, organisational practices). The review will cover academic and evaluation practitioner.

Academic article on linking intangible, patents in the innovation value chain and productivity growth.

Linking intangible patents in the innovation value chain produced by NTUA and relating this to productivity growth NTUA lead UVA NTUA UPA

Survey on demographic changes and productivity growth, intended as book section.

Demographic changes and productivity growth This task will explore how demographic change can be conceptualised in order to facilitate measurement and analysis of its role for productivity growth Demographic changes may have affected productivity through ageing populations but also through immigration and massive emigration ULJ lead all partners

Academic article on global value chains that link intangible production inputs with innovation metrics in all EU countries with global perspective.

Academic article on global value chains that link intangible production inputs with innovation metrics in all EU countries with global perspective UPA lead NTUA

Report on document indicators of firm performance based on linked business statistics and data on intangibles at the firm level.

Assessment of the IA-related statistical activities undertaken by NSIs at EU level. [AU, STN]

A working paper for framework on firm size, market entry and growth.

Firm size market entry and growth This task will develop a framework for examining productivity growth in small firms SMEs and startups may experience important barriers to entry in the market and a lack of specific innovative competences may slow knowledge accumulation and growth UVA lead UPSud

Academic article on sector productivity in all EU countries

Academic article on sector productivity in all EU countries UHAM lead NTUA

Report on the empirical analysis on the role of intangible assets in the public sector

Report on the empirical analysis on the role of intangible assets in the public sector ULJ lead UPA NTUA

Academic article on the role of policy for development and use of intangible assets

Academic article on the role of policy for development and use of intangible assets ULJ lead MAN NTUA

Scenarios for the implementation of new indicators and methods in the European Statistical System, intended as book chapter.

Utilising tasks reported in description of delivery 44 to implement scenarios for implementation of new statistics Stakeholders mainly statistical offices are involved The emphasis is on combining new data with existing statistics AU UVA

A working paper for measuring the intangibles using register data

Framework for measuring intangible assets from register-based data. An overview of existing data will be prepared. Based on the new definition and approaches to capture a specific variable in the literature; a set of register-based variables will be suggested.

Academic article on the relationship between intangible capital investment and labour productivity growth for the German case, 2007-2017.

Academic article on the relationship between intangible capital investment and labour productivity growth for the German case 20072017

Academic article on networking and clustering of innovative firms.

Network analysis Diffusion new innovation products largeSMEs by patents networking and clustering of innovative firms Networking and clustering of innovative firms

The validation of IC and production function estimates of productivity of ICs to obtain new performance-based valuation of intangibles, intended as book chapter

The evaluation how expenditurebased estimates of IAs match with production function estimates of IAs

Report on new ways of processing data and indicators, encompassing lead chapters from all Tasks 3.1 - 3.10.

Task 31 Assessment of the IArelated statistical activities undertaken by NSIs at EU level AU STNTask 32 Linking innovation survey data with business statistics and LEED data Develop validate and refine firmlevel measures of innovation data and related intangibles STN AU ULTask 33 Linking microlevel measures of intangibles with business statistics and LEED data building on the FP7 Innodrive methodology Develop validate and refine firmlevel measures of related intangibles For countries where LEED data is not available we will develop and test methods to measure intangibles using occupation data at more aggregated levels AU UVA UL STNTask 34 Microlevel data and indicator development based on RD innovation and ICT data covering RD performance and trade RD products and IPR management design and innovation organizational capital and innovation and IT and digitization UHAM AUTask 35 Develop indicators of human capital accumulation based on education data labor force data and vocational training data UL AUTask 36 Develop industrylevel measures of knowledge spillovers for use in analysis of the role of diffusion and globalisation on innovation and productivity growth based on micro data T31 T32 and inputoutput data NTUA UVATask 37 Develop measures of productivity for use in econometric analysis WP5 and WP6 and linkage with other data sources UVA STNTask 38 Coordination of the needs of producers and users of statistics through a focus group UVA AUTask 39 Scenarios for the implementation of new indicators and methods in the European Statistical System AU STNTask 310 Measure investments in intangible assets at the firm and sectoral level using data from the CIS and Mannheim Innovation Panel in Germany covering the following dimensions of intangible assets investments by firms in i RD ii Design and Licenses iii Patent activity iv marketing and v trademark activity vi business processes vii labour organization and viii relation management UHAM

Kick-Off Meeting and Work Plan Update

This task relates to the overall management and coordination of the GLOBALINTO project. This will primarily be the responsibility of the Project Manager (PM) and will ensure that the R&D tasks are being conducted 1) in accordance with the workplan, 2) in line with the H2020 scope (which includes monitoring the role of women at all levels within the project), and 3) in within the time period. Six partner meetings will be arranged in partner institutes during the project starting from the kick-off meeting (WP1). Six meetting via internet are meeting to ensure that the project proceeds according to the plan. In addition, two External Advisory Board (EAB) meetings will be organised back to back with the Project Management. Advisory board consists of • VP Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Leonard Nakamura, the USA • Prof. Tsutomu Miyagawa, Gakushuin University, Japan • Svein Olav Nås The Research Council of Norway and Chairman of the OECD-NESTI working party • Member from European Union • Member from Eurostat • Member from OECD – Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation

Report on challenges for statistics in measuring new growth determinants.

Outline existing methodologies and sources addressing growth. [UL lead, other partners]

Editing a book: New statistical measures of intangible assets and their policy implications on growth

Book Editing New statistical measures of intangible assets policy implications on growthThe book is offered for publication in Cambridge University Press or Oxford University Press and includes an introduction chapter by editors Hannu Piekkola and Carter Bloch and covers the following deliverablesD21 Survey on challenges of new growth productivity puzzle in the face of different IAs relevant in supply and demand sideD35 Survey on demographic changes and productivity growth intended as book sectionD46 Scenarios for the implementation of new indicators and methods in the European Statistical SystemD63 The validation of IC and production function estimates of productivity of ICs to obtain new performancebased valuation of intangibles intended as book chapterD710 Book sectionacademic article on gender and age productivitywage gaps in innovationtype workD71 Global perspective on innovation value chains and related industrial policy intended as book chapterD81 Intangible assets in the public sector an extended definition and methodological guideD88 Policy Brief on policy designs in intangible assets and innovation policy extended version intended as book chapter

Open Research Data (ORD)

This deliverable is updated regularly based on feedback by the REA. Macro level data at industry level over Europe is made public and accessible through our website. Micro-level data aggregated to industry level will complement this in the countries whenever firm-level data is used in excess to industry-level data to construct intangible assets.


Intangibles, innovation, and sector specialization in global value chains: A case study on the EU's and the UK's manufacturing industries

Autoren: Aggelos Tsakanikas, Yannis Caloghirou, Petros Dimas, Dimitrios Stamopoulos
Veröffentlicht in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Ausgabe 177, 2022, ISSN 0040-1625
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121488

Intellectual property rights, complementarity and the firm's economic performance

Autoren: Liang Guo-Fitoussi, Ahmed Bounfour, Sabrine Rekik
Veröffentlicht in: International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, Ausgabe 9(2), 2019, Seite(n) 136-165, ISSN 1478-9647
Herausgeber: Inderscience Publishers
DOI: 10.1504/ijipm.2019.100213

The combined contribution of intangible capital and global value chain participation to productivity

Autoren: Alberto Nonnis, Ahmed Bounfour, Altay Özaygen, Keung Oui Kim, Tatiana Beliaeva
Veröffentlicht in: International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, Ausgabe 11/1, 2021, Seite(n) 21, ISSN 1478-9647
Herausgeber: Inderscience Publishers
DOI: 10.1504/ijipm.2021.113366

Knowledge spillovers and intangible complementarities: Empirical case of European countries

Autoren: Alberto Norris, Ahmed Bounfour, Keungoui Kim
Veröffentlicht in: Research Policy, Ausgabe 52, 2023, ISSN 0048-7333
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2022.104611

Measuring intangible assets—A review of the state of the art

Autoren: Kristofer Van Criekingen, Carter Bloch, Carita Eklund
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Economic Survey, 2021, ISSN 1467-6419
Herausgeber: John WIley & Sons
DOI: 10.1111/joes.12475

GLOBALINTO input-output intangibles database: Industry-level data on intangibles for the EU-27 and the UK

Autoren: Petros Dimas, Dimitrios Stamopoulos, Aggelos Tsakanikas, Michail Vasileiadis
Veröffentlicht in: Data in Brief, Ausgabe 41, 2022, ISSN 2352-3409
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.107932

The role of intangibles in firm-level productivity - evidence from Germany

Autoren: Roth, Felix Sen, Ali Rammer, Christian
Veröffentlicht in: Industry and Innovation, Ausgabe 13662716, 2022, ISSN 1366-2716
Herausgeber: Carfax Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2022.2138280

Innovative growth: the role of market power and negative selection

Autoren: Hannu Piekkola, Jaana Rahko
Veröffentlicht in: Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2019, Seite(n) 1-22, ISSN 1043-8599
Herausgeber: Routledge
DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2019.1655878

Intangibles and innovation-labor-biased technical change

Autoren: Hannu Piekkola
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Intellectual Capital, Ausgabe ahead-of-print/ahead-of-print, 2020, ISSN 1469-1930
Herausgeber: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1108/jic-10-2019-0241

Why do some SME's become high-growth firms? The role of employee competences

Autoren: Carita Mirjami Eklund
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Intellectual Capital, Ausgabe ahead-of-print/ahead-of-print, 2020, ISSN 1469-1930
Herausgeber: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1108/jic-07-2019-0188

External information sourcing and lead-time advantage in product innovation

Autoren: Kristof Van Criekingen
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Intellectual Capital, Ausgabe ahead-of-print/ahead-of-print, 2020, ISSN 1469-1930
Herausgeber: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1108/jic-07-2019-0187

Innovative competences, the financial crisis and firm-level productivity in Denmark and Finland

Autoren: Carter Bloch, Carita Eklund, Hannu Piekkola
Veröffentlicht in: Economics of innovation and new technology, 2021, ISSN 1043-8599
Herausgeber: Routledge
DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2021.1895496

Measuring ICT externalities and their contribution to productivity: A bilateral trade based approach

Autoren: Keungoui Kim; Ahmed Bounfour; Alberto Nonnis; Altay Özaygen
Veröffentlicht in: Telecommunications Policy, Ausgabe 45(2), 2021, ISSN 0308-5961
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.telpol.2020.102085

Revisiting intangible capital and labour productivity growth, 2000–2015

Autoren: Felix Roth
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Intellectual Capital, Ausgabe 21/5, 2020, Seite(n) 671-690, ISSN 1469-1930
Herausgeber: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1108/jic-05-2019-0119

Deliverable 2.6. Public policy and intangibles: A conceptualisation and critical appraisal: WP2. Setting the conceptual framework for processing new data and value chains. D 2.6 Literature review on intangibles and public policies. Final draft

Autoren: Lampel, Joseph; Edler, Jakob; Gadepalli, Sarada D.
Veröffentlicht in: Fraunhofer ISI, Ausgabe 1, 2020
Herausgeber: Fraunhofer ISI

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