Descrizione del progetto
Ottimizzare le applicazioni software eseguite su computer paralleli
Il calcolo parallelo contribuisce a ridurre il tempo necessario a risolvere un problema computazionale e i costi associati a tale operazione scomponendolo in parti più piccole, che possono essere eseguite in simultanea da molteplici processori. Per affrontare i problemi legati alle prestazioni di applicazioni eseguite su computer paralleli, i programmatori devono ristrutturare il codice, un compito soggetto a errori e dispendioso in termini di tempo. Facendo tesoro del successo del suo predecessore, il progetto POP2, finanziato dall’UE, si prefigge di gestire gli ambiti dell’ottimizzazione delle prestazioni e della produttività di un centro di eccellenza in applicazioni di calcolo. Il centro aiuterà i programmatori ad acquisire un punto di vista esterno sul proprio lavoro, offrendo inoltre consulenza sul modo in cui migliorare radicalmente le prestazioni delle loro applicazioni. Il progetto, che avrà una durata di tre anni, intende offrire 180 servizi di valutazione al mondo accademico e a quello industriale.
The growing complexity of parallel computers is leading to a situation where code owners and users are not aware of the detailed issues affecting the performance of their applications. The result is often an inefficient use of the infrastructures. Even in the cases where the need to get further performance and efficiency is perceived, the code developers may not have insight enough on its detailed causes so as to properly address the problem. This may lead to blind attempts to restructure codes in a way that might not be the most productive ones.
POP2 extends and expands the activities successfully carried out by the POP Centre of Excellence since October 2015. The effort in the POP project resulted in more than 120 assessment services provided to customers in academia, research and industry helping them to better understand the behaviour and improve the performance of their applications. The external view, advice, and help provided by POP have been extremely useful for many of these customers to significantly improve the performance of their codes by factors of 20% in some cases but up to 2x or even 10x in others. The POP experience was also extremely valuable to identify issues in methodologies and tools that if improved will reduce the assessment cycle time.
The objective of POP2 is to continue and improve the POP project operating a Centre of Excellence in Computing Applications in the area of Performance Optimisation and Productivity with a special focus on very large scale towards exascale.POP2 will continue the service oriented activity, giving code developers, users and infrastructure operators an impartial external view that will help them improve their codes. We will still target the same categories of users and focus on identifying performance issues and proposing techniques that can help applications in the direction of exascale. Our objective is to perform 180 services over a three year period.
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Meccanismo di finanziamento
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinatore
08034 Barcelona