CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

High Performance Computing Governance Intelligence Gathering

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HPC-GIG (High Performance Computing Governance Intelligence Gathering)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-03-01 bis 2022-08-31

The European Cloud Initiative implementation encompasses different elements and will require a solid governance set-up. A cornerstone of this governance is the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, which started its activities in 2019. The High-Performance Computing Governance Intelligence Gathering (HPC-GIG) project proposes intelligence gathering services from the European HPC stakeholders to the ‘HPC Governance’ – HPCG. It aims to facilitate a timely start of its operations, transparently and non-intrusively leveraging the HPC community knowhow, organised with enough flexibility to align project activities with the programme schedule and needs during its ramp-up phase, and deliver timely and useful input to the HPCG. For this purpose, the project originally planned to:

• Establish an effective and responsive communication channel with the HPC Governance
• Engage all relevant stakeholders in the HPC and data ecosystem via dynamically managed ad hoc task forces
• Develop knowledge registries and consolidate networks of expertise which may already exist
• Link national and pan-European activities in the field, involving users, implementers and funders participating in the European HPC and Big Data activities
• Organise workshops for stakeholder groups and/or participating in already-existing strategic HPC events
• Create visibility and position the project within the European HPC and data ecosystem

At first, the overall objective was to facilitate the efficient and sound operation of the EuroHPC JU, which includes:
1. Managing and developing the computing and data infrastructure and services
2. Making key decisions on funding, sustainability and security

The project sets various goals across 4 sections:
1. Support for management and development of infrastructure, decision making
2. Facilitating stakeholder dialogue through events
3. Links with national and pan-European activities in the field
4. Involvement of users, implementers and funders, participating in EU funded HPC ecosystem
The main project activities have been to set up the organisation and coordination tools needed to reach the goals of HPC-GIG. The main actions are the following:
1. The organisation structure of the project was established. The Management Board, Technical Board and Project Management Office are operational and active
2. Support to the organisation of meetings held by representatives of EuroHPC JU
3. Set-up of a Strategic Task Force (STF) to provide input and support to EuroHPC JU from HPC stakeholders
4. Open Information Day on Acquisitions of Supercomputers by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking
5. EuroHPC Summit Week 2019
6. Workshop on EuroHPC Systems Access Policy
7. PRACE Industrial Advisory Committee & INFRAG Joint Meeting
The project itself contributes to the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) objective to provide European scientists, industry and the public sector with the world-class HPC and data infrastructure and support the development of its technologies and applications across a wide range of fields. Relevant stakeholders come from these groups or will be newly identified as the EuroHPC JU and the ECI landscape further develop.

Due to the fast development of EuroHPC JU, the gathering intelligence activities are becoming less relevant to the needs of HPC Governance. To continue to support EuroHPC JU, the project supports the organisation of the meetings of the Research and Innovation Advisory Group (RIAG) and the Infrastructure Advisory Group (INFRAG).

It is the project’s intention to participate in the next edition of EuroHPC Summit Week (22-26 March 2021) and contribute to the co-funding of this event. The EHPCSW will gather the main European stakeholders from the High-Performance Computing (HPC) community: from technology suppliers, infrastructures to scientific and industrial users.
EuroHPC Group picture
Access Policy Workshop 2
Access Policy Workshop
Access Policy Workshop 3