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Demand-driven and business co-creation for a new innovation business model

Descripción del proyecto

Un nuevo modelo de innovación comercial basado en la demanda

En muchas empresas, los esquemas de innovación se mantienen inalterados y no disponen de un método adecuado para poner a prueba su efectividad. La innovación en el modelo de negocios implica reinventar una empresa cambiando la manera en que se realiza, se entrega o se vende un producto o servicio, con el fin de incrementar el valor para los clientes. El proyecto inDemand-RCT, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene como objetivo examinar y poner a prueba un nuevo modelo de negocio basado en la demanda mediante la creación conjunta de patrones entre clientes y pymes. El modelo de creación conjunta incluirá aportaciones de los clientes sobre las soluciones tecnológicas ofrecidas por los proveedores (las pymes) y comercializadas por los intermediarios responsables de aportar valor añadido, con el fin de encontrar conjuntamente soluciones innovadoras para satisfacer las necesidades del cliente. El proyecto demostrará que los nuevos modelos de innovación comercial ofrecen mejores resultados para las empresas que los modelos tradicionales.


Explore & experiment a new business demand-driven model, based on co-creation patterns between customers & Smes. Two call for proposals will be launched in parallel in all priority RIS-3 sectors, by measuring the impact of interventions via randomised control trials and by making a comparative evaluation of results with a view to get identified the most sustainable model in time: that is inDemand-RTC. A pilot inDemand is currently piloting this new co-creation model in the Health sector between the demand side (public entity) with its suppliers (private companies), brokered by added-value intermediaries (public funders of innovation and business support organisations), with the objective to jointly find solutions to the unmet needs of the demand side. INFO Murcia is entity entrusted by regional government to develop/or implement innovation support programmes for SMEs. INFO is an example of RDAs whose innovation schemes remain with no variation in time (eg. Launching classical supply oriented calls for proposals funded by ERDF) and no adequate way of testing their effectiveness. Being inspired in inDemand, inDemand-RCT is to experiment a new co-creation model between the demand of technology solutions (customers from the priority RIS-3 sectors in the Murcia region) with its suppliers (SMEs), brokered by added-value intermediaries (INFO as public funder of innovation and business support organisations), with the objective to jointly find R+D+i solutions to the unmet needs of the demand side. The purpose will be to accreditate that inDemand-RCT model offers better results than the traditional method . Thus, it is to be experimented the comparison between two situations, the one traditional without neither specific challenges nor monitoring the impact of interventions following RCT and the one with spscific challenges and making use of such RCT measurement. Such a scientific study will compare both approaches with a view to monitor & compare the results obtained.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 497 500,00
30003 Murcia

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Sur Región de Murcia Murcia
Tipo de actividad
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 497 500,00