CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Multi Utilities Smart Energy GRIDS


Reale Testfälle für zusammengeschaltete Energienetze

Die großen, zentralisierten Kraftwerke werden durch dezentrale Stromerzeugungsanlagen ersetzt, die vor Ort in kleinen Einheiten betrieben werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt MUSE GRIDS die Machbarkeit sowohl technologischer als auch nicht-technologischer Lösungen aufzeigen, die auf die Interaktion lokaler Energienetze abzielen. Es wird diese Systeme in zwei verschiedenen Gebieten testen – in einer auf einem Hügel gelegenen italienischen Stadt (Osimo) und in einer ländlichen Gegend in Belgien (Oud-Heverlee). In diesen Gebieten werden zwei groß angelegte Pilotprojekte durchgeführt. Ziel dieser Pilotprojekte ist es, die wichtigsten Konzepte für intelligente Energiesysteme und lokale Energiegemeinschaften zu testen. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden beide Konzepte auch in virtuellen Demostandorten in Spanien, Indien und Israel gefördert.


MUSE GRIDS aims to demonstrate, in two weakly connected areas (a town on a top of a hill and a rural neighbourhood), a set of both technological and non-technological solutions targeting the interaction of local energy grids (electricity grids, district heating and cooling networks, water networks, gas grids, electromobility etc.) to enable maximization of local energy independency through optimized management of the production via end user-driven control strategies, smart grid functionality, storage, CHP and RES integration. Two large-scale pilot projects will be implemented in two different EU regions, in urban (Osimo) and rural (Oud-Heverlee) contexts with weak connections with national grids. These pilots will test and promote the main project concepts: Smart energy system and Local Energy Community. A Smart Energy System is defined as an approach in which smart electricity, thermal, water, gas grids etc are combined with storage technologies and coordinated to identify synergies between them towards maximization of energy independency and reduction of operation costs. The purpose is to reduce energy carbon footprint while meeting energy demands and creating real and sustainable energy islands. To achieve this both physical networks (electricity, natural gas, district heating and cooling, water) and non-physical networks (mobility and citizens/communities) have to interact in order to become a Local Energy Community where inhabitants can act and exchange energy to provide reliable and cheap energy in colaboration. MUSE GRIDS will promote these two concepts not only in pilot projects but also in virtual demo-sites in India, Israel and Spain. Social and environmental aspects of smart multi-energy system transition will be investigated Osimo and Oud Heverlee citizens will be directly involved.The project involves leading EU companies and energy utilites and will be a muse of inspiration for dedicated policy redaction also providing insights to the BRIDGE initiative

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IA - Innovation action


€ 512 750,00
16129 Genova

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Nord-Ovest Liguria Genova
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 896 250,00

Beteiligte (26)