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Risultati finali
A guidebook on engagement and co-creation methodologies for the integration of multiple stakeholders in climate action policy will describe identified key conflicts among local and regional key actors and procedures to overcome the conflicts.
Policy Brief IIThe policy brief will be directed at the European Commission and national and institutional levels which integrate good practice on enabling RRI in climate change adaptation policies
Case Studies ReportA content analysis of about 20 case studies to identify effective practices in community–academia research partner-ships. The report includes principles of co-data creation and the success factors from the case studies as discussed in two international online-conferences (organised in the premises of UoV (month 4, month 10) and a Delphi Study among policy makers and scientists in the pilot regions.
Summary report on climate change adaptation activities in the regionsA summary report on activities in six pilot regions cocreation hubs installed as Living labs to explore publicprivate research partnerships that aim towards shared open innovation among stakeholders who work on climate action and or adaptation in the same geographical area It will describe findings of crowd mapping and capacity building activities and outline key performance indicators for activities which aim at improving the knowledge about and developing competencies in terms of the regional climate action and climate change adaptation potential of stakeholders ie universities research organisations governmental and nongovernmental organisations business and companies civil society CSOs and NGOs
Dissemination, Cross-network Collaboration, Exploitation and Final Networking ReportThis report will give a summary on the communication along the various facets and complex topics of climate change climate action and climate change adaptation among stakeholders and the general public as performed in TeRRIFICA Next to the stakeholder mapping of WP 1 report summarises the extension of stakeholder identification relevant for the project in all different areas of research science communication environment political initiatives forums and strategy groups Approaches to implement explore and validate the outcomes and results undertaken already during the project as well as undertaken to secure the projects sustainability even beyond its end will be described
Report on institutional framework conditions, relevant local and regional processes, instruments and co-creation factors related to or adaptable for climate actionAn analysis of experiences with co-creation with civil society participation in research, innovation and governance in different spaces and contexts of climate action and climate change adaptation.
Policy Brief IThe policy brief will be directed at the European Commission and national and institutional levels which integrate good practice on enabling RRI in climate change adaptation policies
Stakeholder Mapping ReportTeRRIFICA’s co-creation teams will report on their initial review in the full stakeholder spectrum: mapping relevant stakeholders and assessing potentials and barriers to its use in each participating country, related to research and regional innovation and broader stakeholder engagement. The report will address the diversity in strategies, activities and procedures and describe findings from panel discussions, regional workshops and focus groups on climate action and climate change adaptation.
The symposium in Brussels will aim to foster the final results of the project at the European level and advance in its impact on the European policy agenda. It will include a working session with around 20 European policy makers and key stakeholders (such as representatives of the United Nations and World Business Council for Sustainable Development) to jointly propose and discuss specific policy actions that could be taken to transfer project results to the European policy development.
Savelava., S.
Pubblicato in:
Vasilets, S., Zubrilina I. (Ed.), II International Symposium Proceedings Education for Sustainable development For All Generations - Social Agreement, 2020, Pagina/e 308-313
Belarusian State Pedagogical University
Kate Sposob
Pubblicato in:
Tackling Climate Action at the Local Level: Education for Sustainable Development Projects from the Global RCE Network, 2021, Pagina/e 44-47, ISBN 978-92-808-4598-3
United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)
Marco Rieckmann, Hannah Hoff, Karin Bokop
Pubblicato in:
Sustainability and Climate Change, Numero Volume: 14 Numero 2. April 6, 2021, 2021, Pagina/e 76-83, ISSN 2692-2924
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Kaczmarek, P. G.
Pubblicato in:
Przegląd Planisty: Czasopismo Studentów Gospodarki Przestrzennej, Numero 9, 2022, Pagina/e 16-18, ISSN 2544-7912
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Piotr Lupa and Katarzyna Fagiewicz
Pubblicato in:
Magazyn Drzewo Franciszka, Numero 4-5/2022-2023, 2022, Pagina/e 102-104, ISSN 2719-6046
Fundacja Zakłady Kórnickie
K. Fagiewicz1, P. Churski1, T. Herodowicz1, P. Kaczmarek1, P. Lupa1, J. Morawska-Jancelewicz1, and A. Mizgajski1
Pubblicato in:
Weather, Climate and Society, Numero 14 (3), 2021, Pagina/e 555-570, ISSN 1948-8327
American Meteorological Society
Steinhaus, N., Hoff, H., Churski, P. et al.
Pubblicato in:
Standort - Zeitschrift für angewandte Georgraphie, Numero Standort 45, 2021, Pagina/e 272–278, ISSN 0174-3635
Springer Verlag
Samersova N.V.
Pubblicato in:
Lopukh et al. (Ed.), International conference Proceedings. Geographical Studies in Belarus in XX - XXI centuries, 2021, Pagina/e 889-893
Belarusian State University
Redko, A.E.
Pubblicato in:
Lopukh et al. (Ed.), International conference Proceedings. Geographical Studies in Belarus in XX - XXI centuries, 2021, Pagina/e 625-628
Belarusian State University
Sposab., K.
Pubblicato in:
Vasilets, S., Zubrilina I. (Ed.), II International Symposium Proceedings Education for Sustainable development For All Generations - Social Agreement, 2020, Pagina/e 346-350
Belarusian State Pedagogical University
Savelava., S. et al.
Pubblicato in:
Modern Trends in the Development of Physical Geography: Scientific and Educational Aspects for Sustainable Development, 2019, Pagina/e 112-118
Belarusian State University
Gatilo A.V.
Pubblicato in:
Lopukh et al. (Ed.), International conference Proceedings. Geographical Studies in Belarus in XX - XXI centuries, 2021, Pagina/e 629-634
Belarusian State University,
Savelova, S.B., Yarotov, A.E
Pubblicato in:
Lopukh et al. (Ed.), International conference Proceedings. Geographical Studies in Belarus in XX - XXI centuries, 2021, Pagina/e 317-328
Belarusian State University
Savelava., S., Yarotau A.
Pubblicato in:
Vasilets, S., Zubrilina I. (Ed.), II International Symposium Proceedings Education for Sustainable development For All Generations - Social Agreement, 2020, Pagina/e 314-325
Belarusian State Pedagogical University
Sposab, K.
Pubblicato in:
Lopukh et al. (Ed.), International conference Proceedings. Geographical Studies in Belarus in XX - XXI centuries, 2021, Pagina/e 213-218
Belarusian State University
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