Descripción del proyecto
Solución para el problema de la igualdad de género en la comunidad científica e investigadora
A pesar de los esfuerzos por cerrar la brecha de género en la comunidad científica e investigadora, los desafíos persisten. Las científicas están insuficientemente representadas en el nivel más alto de este ámbito. El equipo del proyecto SPEAR, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará plataformas de aprendizaje y espacios de intercambio de experiencias para supervisar y apoyar la aplicación de los planes de igualdad de género (PIG), un requisito básico para participar en el programa marco de investigación Horizonte Europa. Los PIG son compromisos y acciones que pretenden promover la igualdad entre sexos en una organización. En concreto, el equipo de SPEAR presentará una guía paso a paso, elaborada por el Instituto Europeo de la Igualdad de Género, para la puesta en marcha de los PIG. Seguirá una trayectoria metodológica comprometida con los cambios creativos, abiertos, mitigadores, procesales, responsables, inteligentes y sostenibles denominada «COMPASS».
SPEAR will initiate institutional change in nine European research performing organizations (RPOs) by implementing gender equality plans. Despite numerous EU-wide projects aimed at improving gender equality (GE) in academia, challenges persist, and GE practitioners and change agents experience fatigue and lack of support structures. SPEAR offers supportive structures through its interconnected Community of Learning (CoL) and Community of Practice (CoP). CoL will provide learning platforms while CoP provides an arena for experience exchanges. Both are crucial to successful and sustainable implementation of gender equality plans (GEPs), a key instrument to improving GE. SPEAR’s central objective is to support and implement GEPs, based on a step-by-step guide to GEP implementation devised by the European Institute for Gender Equality, through following a methodological path committed to creative, open, mitigating, processual, accountable, SMART and sustainable changes (SPEAR’s COMPASS). Integral to SPEAR’s project design is an enhanced impartial evaluation scheme to boost the feedback and learning of participants throughout the project. SPEAR employs strategic dissemination to boost its central sustainability commitment during and after SPEAR.
SPEAR’s consortium numbers eleven partners, three of which have some experience with GE work while six have little or no experience. The first three will coordinate sessions during CoL and provide crucial support and best-practice guidance during structured interactions in CoP. Two task partners handle evaluation and dissemination. An advisory group representing key GE-stakeholders is affiliated.
SPEAR aims to foster sustainability in GE-practices in academia through a range of measures and outcomes, including ties to other EU-based GE projects, network and community building within and beyond SPEAR, and formulation of practicable policy recommendations.
Palabras clave
- H2020-EU.5.b. - Promote gender equality in particular by supporting structural change in the organisation of research institutions and in the content and design of research activities Main Programme
- H2020-EU.5.f. - Develop the governance for the advancement of responsible research and innovation by all stakeholders, which is sensitive to society needs and demands and promote an ethics framework for research and innovation
Convocatoria de propuestas
Consulte otros proyectos de esta convocatoriaConvocatoria de subcontratación
Régimen de financiación
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinador
5230 Odense M