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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Open Science Hub Network: Empowering Citizens through STEAM Education with Open Schooling


Neue Open School Hubs fördern STEAM-Fächer

Das Projekt Open Science Hub (OSHub) arbeitet mit Schulen zusammen, um die so genannten STEAM-Fächer (Naturwissenschaften, Technik, Ingenieurwesen, Kunst und Mathematik) zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Kommunen zu fördern. Ziel ist es, Bürger zu motivieren, zu befähigen und einzubinden – vom Schulkind bis hin zum Senioren. Schulen sollen an der Lösung lokaler kommunaler Aufgaben beteiligt werden und hierfür mit ansässigen Unternehmen, Forschern lokaler Ausbildungseinrichtungen und sozialen Innovatoren zusammenarbeiten. Durch Schaffung eines Netzwerks wird OSHub Schulen dabei unterstützen, als aktive Vermittler die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Bürgergesellschaft, Unternehmen, Forschungsinstituten und Kommunen zu fördern. Jeder OSHub des Netzwerks wird gemeinsam mit lokalen Schulen koordiniert und Schüler, Lehrer und Schulleiter in die Entwicklung und Durchführung der Aktivitäten einbinden.


Open Science Hub Network is a European network of community space in which schools will be actively involved as agents for collaboration between civil society, enterprises, research institutes and community at large through Science, Technology, Engineering,
Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) learning opportunities. OSHub will engage communities, including civil associations and families, in tackling local challenges using Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) concepts and principles. SevenOSHubs will be established in seven partner countries across Europe to engage underserved and multicultural groups. OSHub promotes Open Schooling in STEAM education and is fully based on Open Standards. OSHub will engage schools in tackling challenges faced by their local communities through collaborations among local enterprises, local schools, researchers and social innovators, using the equipment and expertise that will be made available in the OSHub. Each of the OSHubs will be co-led by local schools through partnerships established by the OSHub partners in each country. Students, teachers, principals and school governance play a prominent role in the development and implementation of activities and schools are represented in the management boards of all local OSHubs. The OSHubs will collaborate closely with local stakeholders, with activities co-guided by teachers, students, local
enterprises, researchers and other relevant stakeholders, to run STEAM career-related activities for schools and families and address locally relevant issues that link to the Horizon 2020 Grand Societal Challenges, in an RRI approach to cocreation. Overall, the main vision of OSHub is to inspire, empower and engage citizens - from school children to senior citizens - by working with schools to bring STEAM education to the communities, as a tool for their sustainable development


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