CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Artificial Intelligence and IoT for tree health monitoring


Drei Sensoren, um Stürze zu vermeiden

Bäume und Holzmasten, die Stromleitungen führen, können aufgrund von Alterung, starkem Wind oder anderen Katastrophen und Unfällen umstürzen. Aus welchem Grund auch immer, das Ergebnis ist meist das Gleiche: schwere Schäden an Menschen und der Umwelt. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt TreeVoice eine Überwachungstechnologie entwickeln, welche die vorausschauende Instandhaltung von Grüngebieten ermöglicht. Dabei wird das Projekt insbesondere auf vernetzte Geräte (IoT) und KI zurückgreifen, um Echtzeitanalysen der Baumgesundheit zu bieten und schädliche Bedingungen zu entdecken, die dazu führen, dass Bäume und Holzmasten umstürzen. Die Sensoren von TreeVoice werden es ermöglichen, Abweichungen in den normalen Vibrationsmustern, Temperaturen und anderen Umweltparametern im Holz der Bäume zu erkennen.


Treevoice is an ambitious and unique project exploiting IoT, Artificial Intelligence, M2M technologies and Structural Health Monitoring techniques to enable predictive maintenance of green areas and telecommunication infrastructures in urban and extra-urban scenarios, ensuring real time analysis of trees health and detecting harmful conditions leading to trees or wooden pole falls, which are a severe cause of damage to both citizens and the environment. The innovative sensor manufactured by Treevoice S.r.l. is able to sense and identify deviations in the normal vibration patterns, temperature and other environmental parameters in the wood, while the sophisticated machine learning algorithms in the cloud allow to predict and prevent falling events, while also helping reducing direct and indirect costs related to accidents caused by falls and maintenance of green areas and infrastructures in Smart Cities, boosting green growth.
Treevoice S.r.l. has already developed and tested several prototypes of the innovative tree sensor, together with the software infrastructure necessary for data collection and analysis, and aims to perform a sound testing and validation study on a real urban environment. The first on the field extensive experimentation will take place in the municipality of Rome, where the installation of 100 sensors is going to start. The company will develop a detailed technical and business feasibility study during Phase 1, focusing on the industrialization of the system, performing the validation and testing campaign by installing 100 tree sensors, deeper training the machine learning algorithms in the cloud enabling new services, while also consolidating and refining the Business Model, assessing the achievable markets, and profiling and involving customers, investors and key stakeholders.

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€ 50 000,00
00198 ROMA

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 71 429,00