CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Robust and Remote Power Supply


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Brennstoffzellen können als saubere, effiziente Möglichkeit zur dezentralen Energieerzeugung auf dem Energiemarkt eine wichtige Rolle einnehmen. Sie bieten Komponenten mit geringem Instandhaltungsaufwand und langer Lebensdauer, die Möglichkeit zur Fernüberwachung sowie einen zuverlässigen Betrieb bei kritischen Anwendungen unter anderem in der Öl-, Gas- oder Sicherheitsinfrastruktur. Hauptziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts RoRePower ist die Weiterentwicklung und Demonstration von Festoxidbrennstoffzellen-Systemen für die dezentrale Energieerzeugung auf verschiedenen Märkten. Im Fokus stehen hier beispielsweise die Gas- und Ölinfrastruktur in abgelegenen Regionen mit schwierigen Klimabedingungen (Temperaturbereich -40 bis +50 °C), sowie die Energieversorgung von Fernmeldetürmen, insbesondere in Schwellenländern. RoRePower bringt drei europäische Hersteller von Brennstoffzellen zusammen, um eine stabile Stromversorgung für widrige Umgebungen zu entwickeln.


In RoRePower project is to develop and demonstrate solid oxide fuel cell systems for off-grid power generation in certain markets. These markets are such as powering the gas and oil infrastructure in remote regions with harsh climate conditions (from -40 to +50°C) and the continuous power supplies of telecommunication towers especially in emerging countries (e.g. telecom base stations or microwave transceivers).

ReRoPower project combines leading European SOFC technology companies and research centres to collaborate and form required phases in the SOFC value chain. This collaboration is focused on the development, manufacturing, and validation of a robust SOFC system and its key components for operation under harsh environmental conditions. The project is driven by industry operating in the field of SOCF systems, it is based on the products and services of industrial partners and motivated by their interest to further develop and commercialize their products and services and consolidate an efficient value chain by collaboration. Industrial partners are focusing on different phases in the value chain and are not competing against each other. Participating research centres support industrial partners to optimize their products towards a joint target, which is a commercially successful SOFC based system and related value chain.

The fuel cell manufactures Sunfire, Solidpower and New Enerday, all 100 % Europe-based, will develop and demonstrate robust remote power supply for harsh environments. For the first time, the three manufactures will have a joint development of balance of plant (BOP) components. The common target is to build up respectively to strengthen the European value chain for the remote power specific components and services. Within the proposed project, 15 - 30 remote fuel cell systems will be installed in different countries at the sites of more than five different end-users.



IA - Innovation action


€ 571 322,50
02150 Espoo

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Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Research Organisations
€ 571 322,50

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