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Risultati finali
This initial deliverable, will be the result of the discussion on the first six months of the Project and will include the initial strategy for collaboration and the planned roadmap/agenda of activities and collaboration opportunities for the short/medium and long term.
Trends, Status and Plans for advanced wirelessThis deliverable will provide the first analysis of trends on advanced wireless research and development from three pillar activities covered respectively in the three verticals tasks T2.1, T2.2, and T2.3.
Second technology roadmap for advanced wirelessThis deliverable will present the second roadmap building on D22 and D23 and will also include a mapping of the roadmap directions onto the B5G research agendas and projects in the EU and the US
Survey of Software Tools and Computing Architectures for Advanced Wireless PlatformsThis deliverable provides a survey of software tools, deployment and testing methodologies and computing platforms used in major current EU and US platforms. The study will result in the initial EMPOWER software catalogue, documentation and collaboration methods and objectives for transatlantic mutualisation of components and systems for wireless experimentation.
Update on Trends, Status and Plans for advanced wirelessThis deliverable will provide an update of the analysis of trends on advanced wireless research and development integrating the feedback gathered from the release of the first technology roadmap in D2.2.
Final technology roadmap for advanced wirelessThis deliverable will present the third and final roadmap building on D24 including an the final update on the analysis of trends from the three pillar activities covered in T21 T22 and T23
First Report on Joint Technology Demonstrations and Data AnalysisThis deliverable will report on all joint EU-US technology demonstrations in the first year and evidence of early mutualisation platform components and systems. It will also provide early analysis results from ongoing EU and USA initiatives, in particular ICT-17 and PAWR.
First technology roadmap for advanced wirelessThis deliverable will create the first advanced wireless technology roadmap building on the analysis reported in D2.1 and any potential refinement of this analysis available by the time of release of this deliverable.
Second Report on Joint Technology Demonstrations and Data AnalysisThis deliverable will report on all joint EUUS technology demonstrations in the second year and evidence of new mutualisation of platform components and systems It will also provide analysis results from ongoing EU and USA initiatives as well as all contributions on evaluation methodology to standards organisations The information reported should also provide useful input for beyond5G initiatives such as ICT20 and the second half of the PAWR timeframe
Final Communication and Community Building ReportThis document will be the final report on all various dissemination and communication activities pursued within EMPOWER It will provide a critical assessment of the most successful actions and means trying to qualitatively and quantitatively measure the impact generated within the community and beyond This will also include a record of activities related to dissemination and exploitation that have been undertaken
Report on the organisation of events and engagement activities - v1This report present the organisation of the different events, such as workshops, hackathons, researchers mobility for the first 18 months of the project.
Report on the organisation of events and engagement activities - v2This report present the organisation of the different events such as the Networking Channel workshops hackathons researchers mobility if any for the second part of the project
EMPOWER Strategy Document and Collaboration Roadmap v2As with D12 D13 will include an update of the ESD and collaboration agenda This document will include metrics indicating the different collaboration activities already performed In addition this document will be more focused on the development of plans towards the middle and long term evolution of the collaboration between USA and EU
EMPOWER Strategy Document and Collaboration Roadmap v3Final version of the ESD and collaboration agenda this deliverable will summarise and analise how the Project has contributed to fostering the relation between both geographical areas In addition it will cover deeply how to maintain the alliance between EU and USA in the future
Final Report on Joint Technology Demonstrations and Data AnalysisThis deliverable will report on all joint EUUS technology demonstrations in the third year and evidence of new mutualisation of platform components and systems It will also provide final analysis results from ongoing and recently completed EU and USA initiatives as well as all contributions on evaluation methodology to standards organisations The information reported should also provide useful input for planning beyond5G initiatives in FP9 in particular those targeting joint EUUSA experimentation
Report on Open Data and Reproducibility ResearchThis deliverable will report on the progress achieved regarding the setup of a consensus framework dealing with Open Data and reproducibility Research It will present the state of the art and the position of the various stakeholders of the communities involved The report should propose some directions for a further implementation of this important challenge
Communication and Community Building Strategy and PlanThis report will define the communication and community building strategy and describe the activities EMPOWER partners will pursue so as to guarantee broad visibility, promotion and up-take. Input from all the three WP4 tasks will inject into this document. This will also include a record of activities related to dissemination and exploitation that have been undertaken, and those still planned.
Communication and Community Building ReportThis document will update the communication and community building strategy plan as appropriate and report on activities took place till M18. It will also include input about what have been the most effective communication tools and channels in terms of community reach, and report on activities pursued to grow the community and engagement of stakeholders. This will also include a record of activities related to dissemination and exploitation that have been undertaken, and those still planned.
EMPOWER Strategy Document and Collaboration Roadmap v1D1.2 is conceived as an update to D1.1, accounting for the evolution of the field in the second semester of the Project. In addition to an update strategy and collaboration roadmap/agenda, it will also be provided an update on current collaboration activities that are already being started.
K. Choumas, T. Korakis
Pubblicato in:
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2022, Pagina/e 1129 - 1141, ISSN 1932-4537
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Alain Mourad, Rui Yang, Per Hjalmar Lehne, Antonio De La Oliva
Pubblicato in:
Electronics, Numero 9/2, 2020, Pagina/e 351, ISSN 2079-9292
T. Tsourdinis, N. Makris, T. Korakis,
Pubblicato in:
roceedings of IEEE 5G World Forum 2021, 2021
Alain Mourad, Rui Yang, Per Hialmar Lehne, Antonio de la Oliva
Pubblicato in:
2020 2nd 6G Wireless Summit (6G SUMMIT), 2020, Pagina/e 1-5, ISBN 978-1-7281-6047-4
T. Tsourdinis, I. Chatzistefanidis, N. Makris, T. Korakis,
Pubblicato in:
proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS: Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds (CNERT 2022), 2022
P. Tzimotoudis, N. Makris, T. Korakis,
Pubblicato in:
IoT '21: 11th International Conference on the Internet of Things, 2021
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