CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Technology harvest & transfer for an Open Internet initiative

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TETRA (Technology harvest & transfer for an Open Internet initiative)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-11-01 bis 2022-06-30

TETRA project will develop and implement business-support activities targeted at 'R&I Actions' and their third parties funded under the topic H2020-ICT-24-2018-2019 to help turn their research results into marketable products and services and prepare them for success in the market place. TETRA will identify and provide instruments and resources to assist ICT innovators to:

• Ensure the best use of their outcomes through specific exploitation strategies
• Support their uptake at local, regional, national and international level
• Assess the impacts at the level of the 'Next Generation Internet – An Open Internet Initiative' topic.

The long-term strategic objective is to assist the NGI initiative to develop a more human-centric Internet supporting values of openness, cooperation across borders, decentralisation, inclusiveness and protection of privacy; giving the control back to the users in order to increase trust in the Internet. TETRA project fully recognizes and adheres to the vision of the European Commission, according to which the principles why an NGI is set as a key priority are the following:

• A number of technological trends will thoroughly reshape the internet over the next 10-15 years.
• Europe should drive this technology revolution while contributing to making the future internet more human-centric.
• An internet for the people, that contributes to a more sustainable and inclusive society.
• Increasingly these technological trends influence each other and a program targeted towards the Next Generation Internet must consider them in a holistic way.
Within the 1st period, TETRA project activities were focused on analysing the business support offering of all NGI projects (RIAs and CSAs), identifying the needs of their main beneficiaries, setting up relevant structures for project management, communication and impact monitoring and preparing the Bootcamps and webinars. Consequently, 8 webinars were held and 1 bootcamp was organised with 10 training sessions attended by 51 innovators. During the 2nd period, TETRA project activities were focused on carrying out the identified supporting activities for the NGI beneficiaries and creating meaningful collaborations with the other NGI projects. Consequently, two Advisory Board meetings were organised, 25 one–one-one calls were held with other project coordinators to create meaningful cooperation, 3 Bootcamps were organised with 27 training sessions attended by 102 innovators, 41 webinars were held on IP, Soft Skills, New Markets, Marketing Models and Sales, Investment Readiness and Industry Relations, 32 masterplans were created for the beneficiaries and 640h of mentoring services were carried.


TETRA Trainings
Recordings and/or outlets of 37 webinars produced within the project lifetime

Online materials for self-education
6 leaflets/infographics/materials/guides for self-education

Bootcamp methodology
A comprehensive methodology to guide organisers throughout the whole process of organisation of a bootcamp

Tetra Reports and NGI Portfolio
Reports, plans and a portfolio produced within the project lifespan


To facilitate the navigation through the materials, the TETRA deployment toolkit (D5.5) serves as a comprehensive guide containing all the key information on the areas of expertise covered by the project such as: scope, topics, useful materials, further reading and useful tips. The toolkit has been uploaded to the NGI TETRA web page. The Deployment Toolkit and exploitable materials have been shared with all TETRA target groups.

The following actions were taken and realized until the end of the project:
· On the 8 June 2022, the final Final conference of TETRA / NGI Pitch and Matchmaking Event took place, within which all the TETRA exploitable assets were presented
· Communication with TETRA alumni
· Social media campaign to promote the materials
· The newly approved projects NGI4ALL.E NGI Enrichers and NGI0 Review were contacted
· Synergies and further exploitation by other EU funded (and non-EU) projects and initiatives were actively promoted by partners among their networks
· The portfolio of NGI innovators has been shared with the innovation managers of 11 corporates potentially interested and ready to collaborate with promising start-ups and scaleups

Extra to the points highlighted above, all the partners intend to leverage the TETRA assets acquired on individual basis.
TETRA will contribute to the expected impact of ICT-24-2018 V in the following ways:

• Shape a more human-centric evolution of the Internet
TETRA will support innovations strongly rooted in NGI to assess the market and scale-up by (a) contributing, in collaboration with the other CSAs and the RIAs in strengthening the NGI value proposition, (b) building innovators capacity to empower the supported projects with specific and dedicated training programs and enable the transition of their innovation to the market; (c) supporting the mentored project in scaling their activities and increasing their investment-readiness, facilitating the connection with investments, technology transfer and accelerator infrastructures.

• Create a European ecosystem of top researchers, hi-tech start-ups and SMEs with the capacity to set the course of Internet evolution
TETRA will create a pool of highly qualified mentors, coaches and trainers, with deep experience in innovation, business development and commercialization from a variety of ICT areas and areas benefitting from ICT, give visibility to the supported projects through networking and liaising activities as well as through qualified introductions, ease access to well-established international competitions and events and to DIHs, accelerators and enterprise networks.

• Generate new business opportunities and new Internet companies with maximum growth and impact chances
TETRA will set up a methodology that will support EU financed OII 'R&I Actions (incl. their third parties) in fully understanding market trends and needs and in implementing all the steps needed to successfully deliver to the market innovative products and services.

• New Internet applications/services, business models and innovation processes strengthening the position of the European ICT industry in the Internet market.
TETRA will provide a business-related support program, aimed at providing the organizations with skills, methodologies and training activities aiming at supporting them in building (and selling) marketable products.
Digital poster for TETRA's first build-up bootcamp held in Sept and Oct 2020