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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society

Descrizione del progetto

L’informatica avanzata e i megadati arrivano alle piccole imprese a un prezzo che possono permettersi

L’accesso a ingenti quantità di dati e la capacità di elaborarli sono fondamentali per il progresso in un numero crescente di campi, dalla scienza del clima allo sviluppo farmaceutico. Tuttavia, le potenti piattaforme informatiche federate che mettono insieme questi due elementi sono poche e lontane tra loro. Inoltre, l’accesso è costoso, per cui le piccole imprese, sia commerciali che scientifiche, sono svantaggiate e non sono in grado di sfruttare la loro creatività. Il progetto LEXIS, finanziato dall’UE, sta affrontando questo ostacolo critico all’innovazione. Il team multinazionale sta sviluppando nuove soluzioni di analisi dei dati e di cloud computing che saranno combinate con l’infrastruttura di calcolo ad alte prestazioni esistente e con nuove capacità hardware per portare la potenza di calcolo alle masse.


The increasing quantities of data generated by modern industrial and business processes pose enormous challenges for organizations seeking to glean knowledge and understanding from the data. Combinations of HPC, Cloud and Big Data technologies are key to meeting the increasingly diverse needs of large and small organizations alike. Critically, access to powerful compute platforms for SMEs - which has been difficult due to both technical and financial reasons - may now be possible. LEXIS (Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society) project will build an advanced engineering platform at the confluence of HPC, Cloud and Big Data which will leverage large-scale geographically-distributed resources from existing HPC infrastructure, employ Big Data analytics solutions and augment them with Cloud services. Driven by the requirements of the pilots, the LEXIS platform will build on best of breed data management solutions (EUDAT) and advanced, distributed orchestration solutions (TOSCA), augmenting them with new, efficient hardware capabilities in the form of Data Nodes and federation, usage monitoring and accounting/billing supports to realize an innovative solution. The consortium will develop a demonstrator with a significant Open Source dimension including validation, test and documentation. It will be validated in the pilots - in the industrial and scientific sectors (Aeronautics, Earthquake and Tsunami, Weather and Climate) – where significant improvements in KPIs including job execution time and solution accuracy are anticipated. LEXIS will promote the solution to the HPC, Cloud and Big Data sectors maximizing impact through targeted and qualified communications. LEXIS brings together a consortium with the skills and experience to deliver a complex multi-faceted project, spanning a range of complex technologies across seven European countries, including large industry, flagship HPC centres, industrial and scientific compute pilot users, technology providers and SMEs.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 274 097,99
17 LISTOPADU 2172/15
708 00 Ostrava Poruba

Mostra sulla mappa

Česko Moravskoslezsko Moravskoslezský kraj
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 274 097,99

Partecipanti (17)