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Re-Thinking of Fashion in Research and Artist collaborating development for Urban Manufacturing

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Mapping “e-Textile Ecosystem and Network” Report

This deliverable will describe the concept of a sustainable ecosystem of electronic and textiles technologies and networks for urban fashion manufacturing including desktop research on e-textile facilities for urban fashion manufacturing, research on state of the art technologies, mapping of other e-textile networks and providing a state of the art profiles on relevant technologies and network on WP7 platform.

Co. Research Guidelines

This deliverable will be a guideline and process for the hub managers on executing the Co. Research projects including templates for agreements, meetings, description of the processes and administrative guidelines (working contracts etc.).

Training Concept

This deliverable will be the description of guidelines for collaboration trainings for implementation in the hubs.

Roadmap of laser-marking of fashion textile and non-textile materials

Roadmap for each specific textilenontextile fashion good in order to provide useful information to further endusers of laser technology about how a specific good must be processed by laser technology

Tech/ Art Transfer Toolbox

This deliverable will be the description of a concept for Tech Art Transfer for Hub managements including research on relevant tech art transfer tools methods and formats and the development of a toolbox

Guideline for eco-design process for the creation of environmental friendly artworks

Guidelines and description for eco-design processes for the creation of environmental friendly artworks as support for researchers and artists.

"Mapping “Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem and Network"" Report"

This deliverable will describe the concept of a sustainable ecosystem of additive manufacturing technologies and networks for urban fashion manufacturing including desktop research on additive manufacturing facilities research on state of the art technologies mapping of other additive manufacturing networks and providing a state of the art profiles on relevant technologies and network on WP7 platform

Roadmap of short series for fashion purposes nebulized and laser-marked

Finalization of the roadmap for short series for fashion purposes including extra steps like washing waterbased enzymatic etc or cleaning eg by ozone for definition of a suitable final performance of the fashion goods

Art&Tech Collaboration Final Report

Report about the ArtTech Collaboration in WP4 5 and 6 There will have been 2 ArtTech transfer events and trainings in each hub local collaboration facilitators if needed An evaluation of the collaboration work will be provided

Final version of four E-textile artworks and two eco-designed art-works

Demonstration of etextile artworks resulting from the work of artists from challenge 46 in the second round of the etextile hub

First version of four E-textile artworks and two eco-designed art-works

Demonstration of e-textile artworks resulting from the work of artists from challenge 4-6 in the first round of the “e-textile hub”.

Optimized material applications prototypes

Demonstration of two art work prototypes using new optimized materials which have been optimized for polyjet printing and exhibit optimal compatibility with support material print heads and skin The new materials show enhanced properties for fashion or accessories due to elasticity skin compatibility or mechanical stability

First printed prototypes fabricated by using optimized software

Demonstrator or prototype of a fashion art object created with the help of a developed software for facilitating the creation of 3D objects with a polyjet printer

Final printed prototypes fabricated by using optimized software

Demonstrator or prototype of a fashion art object from the 2nd round created with the help of the further optimized software for digital body shaping or creation of 3D objects with a polyjet printer

Final Call structure and launch of call for first round

The artist calls for the first challenge round will be announced on different websites, in press releases and social media.

Tech Demos and Community building

Fotos of past events and announcements of future networking activities on events and conferences on the Open Innovation Platform WIB will set up a network scheme for the ReFREAM project and the available resources and make it available on the project website

Technology roadmap on platform

Set up of a sustainable roadmap of the art inspired technology development in fashion out of the collected roadmaps from WP 456 and a respective desk top research

Online Toolbox

Online toolbox for urban manufacturing which is built up during the project will be available on the platform The toolbox shall give an overview and summarize the technologies for urban manufacturing from WP4 5 and 6 set up a new Technology Value Chain and build up a collection of open innovation resources and demonstrate technology through good practice examples by the ReFREAM project

Online exchange platform up and running

Finalizing the setting up the online exchange platform as running webpage. The platform will be already filled with the first inputs from WP4 (Additive Manufacturing), 5 (e-Textile) and 6 (Sustainable Finishing) and description of running projects.


Investigation of the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Elastic Textile/Polymer Composites for Stretchable Electronics at Quasi-Static or Cyclic Mechanical Loads

Autori: Dils, Werft, Walter, Zwanzig, von Krshiwoblozki, Schneider-Ramelow
Pubblicato in: Materials, Numero 12/21, 2019, Pagina/e 3599, ISSN 1996-1944
Editore: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/ma12213599

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