CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

COmbined hybrid Solution of Metal HYdride and mechanical Compressors for eXtra Large scale hydrogen refuelling stations


Erhöhung des Drucks löst Probleme bei der Wasserstoffbetankung

Die Verwendung von Wasserstoff als Kraftstoff hat das Potenzial, viele Sektoren zu dekarbonisieren, die derzeit auf Kohlenwasserstoffe als Energieträger angewiesen sind. Besonders der Verkehrssektor könnte davon profitieren, aber neben der Entwicklung von wasserstoffbetriebenen Fahrzeugen wird auch eine Wasserstoffbetankungsinfrastruktur in großem Maßstab benötigt. Die Kompressionseinheit bzw. der Hochdruckspeicher ist die Hauptkomponente einer Wasserstofftankstelle. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, die Energiedichte bzw. Energiemenge in einem gegebenen Volumen zu erhöhen, um die Mobilität von Fahrzeugen über lange Strecken zu ermöglichen. Noch schwieriger ist es, den Kraftstoff für große Flotten von Bussen, Zügen und Lastkraftwagen zu speichern und bereitzustellen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt COSMHYC XL entwickelt eine innovative skalare und modulare Kompressionslösung, um die vielfältigen Anforderungen von extra großen Wasserstofftankstellen zu erfüllen.


Hydrogen mobility is one of the most promising solutions for a sustainable energy transition in large-scale transport modes, including trucks, busses, trains and professional vehicle fleets. For these applications, a dedicated hydrogen refuelling infrastructure is necessary, including hydrogen compressors able to meet challenging constraints in terms of flow rate and availability. The COSMHYC XL project aims at developing an innovative compression solution for extra large hydrogen refuelling stations, based on the combination of a metal hydride compressor and a diaphragm compressor. The solution will be scalable and modular and will therefore be adapted to the diversity of large-scale mobility applications. The combination of both technologies will provide a cost efficient solution, by reducing both the investment and the maintenance costs. Thanks to significant research and innovation activities, from core materials and components to system integration, the new compression solution will contain no critical raw materials. The hydrogen flow rates will be drastically increased, as well as the overall compression ratio. In addition, the reliability and availability of hydrogen refuelling stations will be significantly improved. An innovative system integration concept will enable to optimise the thermal synergies between both compressors and lead to an improved electrical efficiency by more than 30%, thereby contributing to reduce the production costs of hydrogen and making it a competitive fuel for large-scale mobility. COSMHYC XL will include the development of a 1/10 scale prototype, and a long-term test phase of 6 months under real conditions. Techno-economic analysis will be performed and an advisory committee will support the partners to better understand the needs of the market. Extensive communication, dissemination and exploitation activities will take place and maximise the economic, environmental and societal impacts of the project.


€ 977 775,00
76131 Karlsruhe

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Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, Stadtkreis
Research Organisations
€ 977 775,00

Beteiligte (4)