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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

InteGRated systems for Effective ENvironmEntal Remediation

Descrizione del progetto

Batteri «elettrici» che eliminano i rifiuti e generano elettricità

I processi industriali moderni hanno causato, in tutto il mondo, un diffuso inquinamento di suolo e acqua che può seriamente condizionare gli ecosistemi e la salute umana. Gli sforzi per decontaminare o bonificare tali siti sono costosi, complessi e dispendiosi dal punto di vista energetico. Il biorisanamento, che utilizza microbi quali batteri e funghi per degradare agenti inquinanti tossici in sostanze innocue, è meno costoso e più sostenibile rispetto ad altre alternative di bonifica. L’iniziativa GREENER sta sviluppando una soluzione ibrida a basso costo che integra il biorisanamento alla tecnologia delle celle a combustibile microbiche. Questi microbi elettricamente attivi non si limiteranno a ripulire, ma produrranno anche energia elettrica.


Increasing chemical pollution seriously compromises the health of ecosystems and humans worldwide. Hazardous compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals and emerging pollutants contaminate soils/sediments, ground and surface waters. To prevent/minimise the risks associated with the accumulations of these chemicals in the environment it is key to establish low-cost/green methodologies for the treatment and redevelopment of contaminated areas. Several physico-chemical methods have been explored to remove pollutants in the environment, but these are complex, energy consuming or expensive. The exploitation of the capability of bacteria, fungi and phototrophs to transform toxic contaminants into harmless end-products, can lead instead to cheap and sustainable bioremediation alternatives.
GREENER proposes the development of innovative, efficient and low-cost hybrid solutions that integrate bioremediation technologies with bio-electrochemical systems (BES). BES, such as microbial fuel cells, break down organic contaminants through the action of electroactive bacteria while generating electrical current. We will investigate the synergetic effect of different bioremediation strategies and demonstrate effective pollutants removal in water and soil/sediments, while generating side products of interest, such as bioelectricity. The type and entity of contamination, along with the specific physico-chemical/microbial characteristics of the environment to be depolluted, will feed into a decision-making toolbox. The latter will allow the establishment of ad hoc integrated solutions, which will take into account effectiveness of biodegradation, costs, environmental risks and social aspects. Fundamental research will be performed at lab-scale, while pilot-tests will be used to proof the scaling-up feasibility for field applications. Environmental benefits and risks, compared to standard remediation approaches, including energy efficiency, will be investigated.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 602 036,50
09001 Burgos

Mostra sulla mappa

Centro (ES) Castilla y León Burgos
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 654 036,50

Partecipanti (23)