CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Novel Target for Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases


Neuer biologischer Wirkstoff gegen Autoimmunerkrankungen

Rheumatoide Arthritis und juvenile idiopathische Arthritis sind chronische, schwere Erkrankungen, die etwa 1 % der erwachsenen Bevölkerung und Tausende von Kindern weltweit betreffen. Bislang stehen allerdings nur Medikamente zur Verfügung, die die Immunabwehr unterdrücken und bei fast 30 % aller Betroffenen wirkungslos bleiben. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Notid entwickelte daher einen neuartigen Wirkstoff, der auf spezifische Proteine abzielt und damit chronischen Entzündungen entgegenwirkt. Laut vielversprechenden ersten Testergebnissen könnte der Wirkstoff zur Behandlung verschiedenster Autoimmunerkrankungen und autoinflammatorischer Erkrankungen zum Einsatz kommen und damit zur Lebensqualität Betroffener beitragen.


Lipum AB has discovered a novel target protein for treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. We are now developing a biological drug that will inhibit the target molecule. We propose an entirely new therapeutic mode of action as an alternative to current therapeutics that do not provide adequate response in as much as 1/3 of patients. Our research and preclinical results indicate that our approach can be applied for treatment of an array of autoimmune and autoinflammatory conditions, and that the suppression of the patient immune system can be avoided, which otherwise is a common negative side effect limiting treatment options. Currently, Lipum is focused on delivering a humanised candidate drug. Our aim is to to reach a drug development phase where toxicology and safety tests can be started and establish collaborations needed to proceed with the clinical studies. Within the lifecycle of this project, Lipum will focus on providing preclinical evidence, securing IP and reaching out to partners interested in exploitation of our approach for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. These are chronic and debilitating conditions that affect around 1% of adult population (RA) or thousands of children (JIA) worldwide. Both RA and JIA are important cause of disability and generate high costs of healthcare and lost productivityLipum AB is a Swedish SME founded in 2010 with the aim to bring to the market a new biological drug for chronic inflammatory diseases. An effective and safe alternative has been long expected by the millions of patients that struggle with chronic and debilitating conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA), or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), and by the rheumatology opinion leaders that have been highlighting the unmet clinical need in this domain. Apart from the patients’ well-being and quality of life, chronic inflammatory diseases incur high social costs of healthcare and lost productivity.

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