Descrizione del progetto
Maggiore sostegno al cloud europeo per la scienza aperta (EOSC)
Il progetto finanziato dall’UE, istituirà un consorzio per prestare supporto al cloud europeo per la scienza aperta, rispondendo a tutte le specifiche esigenze di questa piattaforma digitale. Il progetto, della durata di 30 mesi, agirà al fianco della comunità per fornire molte delle sue attività e ha riservato una parte considerevole del proprio stanziamento di bilancio per organizzazioni esterne al consorzio. Tra le responsabilità di rientrano l’organizzazione di eventi connessi a EOSC, i servizi stampa e media, il coordinamento con altri progetti correlati, la collaborazione con Paesi extra-UE, gli sforzi di sensibilizzazione paneuropea e la fornitura di un sano quadro normativo. Il progetto viene condotto con il sostegno di partner di comprovata esperienza provenienti dal mondo accademico e industriale.
Obiettivo addresses the call Support to the EOSC Governance subtopic (a), Setup of an EOSC coordination structure. It will deliver an EOSC Secretariat that is a proactive, dynamic and flexible organisational structure with all the necessary competences, resources and vision to match the ambition of the call. The 30-month project will maintain a practical approach addressing all the specific needs of the coordination structure required for the EOSC. The project will adopt a Co-creation approach working with the community to deliver many of the activities and has reserved a substantial portion of the budget for organisations not in the consortium. This approach will enable a high degree of flexibility in order to address any foreseen or unforeseen challenges that may arise during the project. is characterised by being neutral towards the community it is serving and by having a pragmatic approach that is fully dedicated to realising the outcomes of the EOSC design as stated in the Implementation Roadmap Staff Working Document and adopted Council Conclusions to deliver an operational open science cloud for all European stakeholders. The outputs of include: Secretariat organisational structure, processes & procedures, rules & legal framework; business models; press & media office; pan-European awareness increase; open consultation; knowledge base; coordination services to WGs; coordination with EOSC-related projects; organisation & support to Boards & events; two Stakeholders Forums; liaison with non-EU countries; engaged community with all stakeholder groups represented. The Consortium is competent, lean and complementary: Coordinated by an independent research and consulting organisation with 30 years’ experience and track record in services to the R&I community, and supported by 10 experienced partners, from academia & industry, with strategic and practical involvement in design and delivery of the EOSC.
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Meccanismo di finanziamento
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinatore
1150 Bruxelles / Brussel
L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.