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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Multifunctional aIrcraft power network with Solid-State electrIcal pOwer SwitchiNg

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MISSION (Multifunctional aIrcraft power network with Solid-State electrIcal pOwer SwitchiNg)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-12-01 bis 2022-11-30

The MISSION Consortium brings together world-leading expertise in the field of aircraft electric power systems, power line communication systems, solid-state power electronics technologies, metaphysical modelling and simulation, control, validation testing and integration, to design, develop, manufacture and validate the advanced electrical power distribution system (EPDS) based on Multifunctional Power Network with Electrical Switching. This will be a key component in the creation and demonstration of the Multifunctional Fuselage demonstrator being developed within Clean Sky 2 LPA IADP platform 2.

The technical areas of work will cover advanced architectures for the Electric Power Systems (EPS) architecture including their design, control and analysis, Power Electronic Switches based on Solid-State Devices, onboard communication networks, power line communication systems, and Power Line Communication (PLC). The technical work will be completed with advanced methods in model-based design, as well as multi-physic modelling and simulation, together with world-recognised expertise in manufacturing, testing and qualification of EPDS for aerospace applications to. This will enable a step change breakthrough in the design and development of integrated electrical power bus and communication system (IPBCS) for future aircraft platforms. by introducing highly innovative technological solutions leading to a substantial reduction of overall weight, making aircraft more efficient, hence reducing fuel burn and contributing towards more efficient, greener aviation.

The MISSION stakeholders are the University of Nottingham, the Hochschule Luzern and Aeromechs.
MISSION aims to design, develop, manufacture and validate the advanced electrical power distribution system (EPDS) based on Multifunctional Power network with Electrical Switching.
During this reporting period (M1 to M18) the MISSION consortium has mainly focused on WP1 Requirements, definition and conceptual model of bus Network; WP2 Software Development; WP3 Bus control and hardware development; and WP4 Integrated system test campaign. some of the key activities during this reporting period include:
• Development of System requirements after a series of technical discussions between the MISSION consortium part of WP1, delivered in February 2020
• Established and delivered the projects Dissemination and Data Management Plan in May 2020
• The communications architecture and design has been developed (WP 2) and power line communication (PLC) performance and evaluation simulations are continuing which will be optimised following completion of WP4
• Development of the PLC modem prototype for Bus control unit (BCU) and Solid-State Power controllers (SSPCs) of Technology Readiness Level 3 (TRL3) has been achieved and is undergoing functional and performance testing in a laboratory environment (WP3)
• PLC Test bench setup has been completed and is ready for testing.
The project outputs will present a significant step beyond the state-of-the-art in such areas as aircraft electrical power system design, power bus network architecture, communication systems, avionics and airframe integration. The expected project results will contribute towards the competitiveness of the European providers by achieving a significant weight and cost saving for future more-electric aircraft, whilst ensuring the power distribution system is capable of reliable, effective, safe and low-maintenance operation:
• Contribute to the delivery of Large Passenger Aircraft (LPA) Platform 2 - Multifuctional Fuselage Demonstrator" by providing a multifunctional aircraft power network with electrical switching to Fokker
• Combine electrical power distribution and communication system into one system which has the potential to reduce the weight by at least 25%
• Reduced aircraft weight through elimination of communication cables is a key enabler for future LPA with low CO2 and NOx emissions and towards a more electric aircraft
• The improved reliability and convenience for maintenance afforded by this system will enable LPA to operate with reduced Time Between Overhaul and less maintenance.
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