CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

SyrinJector, the first smart device for livestock mass vaccination.


Automatisiertes, Cloud-gestütztes Gerät zum intelligenten Impfen von Viehbeständen

Bei korrekter Anwendung und Verabreichung können Impfungen Viehbestände vor zahlreichen bekannten Krankheiten schützen. Das schützt nicht nur die Gesundheit und das Wohl der Tiere, sondern erhöht auch die Produktivität des Betriebs und schützt die menschliche Gesundheit vor Krankheiten, die vom Tier auf den Menschen übergehen können. Wenn große Viehbestände per Hand mit herkömmlichen Spritzen geimpft werden, führt das meist zur Ermüdung der impfenden Person, was sich auf die verabreichte Dosis und den entsprechenden Schutz auswirkt. Das israelische KMU SyrinJector hat eine voll automatisierte und tragbare „Spritzpistole“ entwickelt, die mit der Cloud verbunden ist, um intelligent die Daten aus der Spritzpistole im Einsatz zu verwalten. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SyrinJector unterstützt das Team dabei, dieses revolutionäre Produkt zur Impfung in der Massentierhaltung auf den Markt zu bringen.


Farm animals are susceptible to different diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, just like people.
Vaccination protects the welfare of livestock by preventing or reducing disease. These vaccines are licensed and produced
under strict regulatory conditions ensuring their safety, efficacy and quality. The administration of these vaccines is currently
using mechanical syringe with needle, an outdated method to deliver vaccines to billions of animals per year.
Livestock vaccination is normally performed by hand. However, the accuracy of the operator administering the vaccine
decreases significantly after a couple of hours of automatic and repetitive job, due to the large number of animals injected
per hour. This way, up to 70% of dairy herds are inadequately vaccinated simply because of improper management,
according to a study done by the Veterinary Teaching Hospital- Colorado State University. Particularly, the livestock industry
requires a higher levels of vaccination quality to keep up with the growing global demand for higher quantities along with
safe and quality products. Vaccination’s efficacy is dependent on the correct dosage being administered to every single
animal, in order to create a high and uniform immune reaction.
SyrinJector is the first smart syringe gun for the mass vaccination of livestock.The device is fully automated (no mechanical
hand trigger), portable, and works with a software for rapid, controlled and traceable mass vaccination. SyrinJector is
(anti-stabbing and needle disinfection mechanisms),and highly accurate, making it a must for livestock farmers.
SyrinJector allows high repeatability and reduces human factor and fatigue.Our solution will gradually replace the current
process of steel/plastic syringe guns and off-line paper certifications, creating a fully interconnected database system
(Cloud) that smartly aggregates and manages the data coming from our digital syringe gun, right from the field.

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€ 50 000,00

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€ 71 429,00