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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Developing a process for the production of an organic hydroponic fertilizer using nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria


Durch Hydrokulturen und Sonnenenergie erzeugter organischer, natürlicher Dünger

Im 20. Jahrhundert konnte durch die Herstellung und den Einsatz chemischer Düngemittel auf Stickstoffbasis das Wachstum von Nutzpflanzen erheblich gesteigert werden. Dieser übermäßige Einsatz von Düngemitteln hat jedoch zu einem gefährlichen Verbrauch von Energie und natürlichen Ressourcen sowie zu CO2-Emissionen geführt. Die Forschung beschäftigt sich heute mit neuen, nachhaltigen organischen Alternativen, da die derzeitigen Methoden teuer und unvorhersehbar sind. In diesem Zusammenhang wird im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts Cyanobacteria eine bahnbrechende natürliche hydroponische Technologie entwickelt und vermarktet. Diese basiert auf einem biologischen Prozess, der stickstoffbindende Cyanobakterien nutzt, um mit Hilfe von Sonnenenergie Stickstoffdünger direkt aus der Luft und dem Wasser aufzunehmen. Mit dieser Technologie wird die Landwirtschaft umweltfreundlicher und nachhaltiger werden.


One of the major consumers in the world today of energy and natural resources, as well as one of the principal emitters of
greenhouse gases, is the industrial fixation of atmospheric nitrogen into available ammonical form. This procedure, called the Haber-
Bosch process, has been enhancing agriculture yields with synthetic fertilizers, enabling the great rise in the world population during
the 20th century, but at present times, it has reached a point where it is no longer sustainable.
Organic agriculture addresses this issue by using natural renewable resources to grow food ecologically. Technical approaches such
as hydroponics (and also fertigation and drip irrigation), do so by an efficient use of water and fertilizers to achieve higher yields.
These niche markets are embraced by conscientious consumers, and today boast a market value of billions of € and high growth
Combining the sustainability of organic agriculture with the efficacy of advanced methods require high quality, naturally or
biologically derived fertilizers. Organic fertilizers on the market today are expensive, unpredictable and their nitrogen is either not
available or has high sodium content, making them unsuitable for robust industrial use.
Our innovation produces nitrogen fertilizer from air and water, efficiently and ecologically in situ. The process we are developing will
harness the innate ability of cyanobacteria to fix atmospheric nitrogen into a stable form of ammonia or nitrate, using the sun as the
energy source. This solution will enable greenhouses and farms to sell organic produce at a premium while boosting their crop yield.
After we complete the feasibility analysis in this project, we aim to continue to SME Phase two in order to scale up our process and
reach a commercial readiness level. Then, we forecast sales of millions of Euros annually within three years, starting with our partner
greenhouses and proceeding to other projects internationally.

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€ 50 000,00
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€ 71 429,00