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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Smart Specialization Strategy Tools with Big Data


EU-Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung

Angesichts der Globalisierung müssen die Regionen Europas wettbewerbs- und widerstandsfähiger werden. Europaweit wurden über 120 Strategien für intelligente Spezialisierung eingeführt, um interregionale und grenzüberschreitende Partnerschaften in Bereichen wie zum Beispiel industrielle Modernisierung, Energiewende und Agrarlebensmittel zu fördern. Bis 2020 werden rund 15 000 neue Produkte auf den Markt gebracht, was zur Entstehung von 140 000 Start-ups und 350 000 Arbeitsplätzen führt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SSST-BD entwickelt wissenschaftliche Metriken und wissensbasierte Verwaltungsinstrumente für die Analyse und Handhabung der Strategien. Das Ziel ist die Messung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von regionalen Industrien und Unternehmensaktivitäten, die Bewertung von Patentwerten und die Entwicklung von vorausschauenden Big-Data-Instrumenten.


This project aims to develop novel scientific metrics approaches and automated tools for the analysis and management of the European Smart Specialization Strategy. The European Union (EU) has introduced Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) to increase the innovation and competitive potential of its member states by identifying promising economic areas for investment and specialization. While the evaluation of Smart Specialization Strategy requires measurable criteria for the comparison of rate and level of development of regional economic activities, policy makers lack efficient and viable tools for mapping promising sectors for smart specialization. To address this issue, the proposed action intends to develop automated knowledge-based management tools and planning approaches for S3. In particular, we plan to develop novel methods for measuring the competitiveness of regional industries and entrepreneurial activities in order to avoid duplication and fragmentation of innovation effort in EU and to help European regions identify a niche market of specialization in a global value chain. The research will also develop big data foresight tools for testing and evaluating new firm business concepts and assessing patent values based on weak signals of technological changes. In this way, we aim to examine which European regions in which sectors produce radical and disruptive innovations and in which areas they show potential of future specialization. Moreover, we will study the effect of local knowledge resources on generating radical and disruptive business opportunities. To summarize, the project identifies and addresses major gaps in smart specialization research and provides new tools for this strategic field of research.


€ 190 680,96
20014 Turku

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Manner-Suomi Etelä-Suomi Varsinais-Suomi
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 190 680,96