CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Case country analyses and a cross-country comparative analysis of the functioning on disaster resilience systems
Institutional arrangements in resilience and disaster management
Indexed publication Institutional arrangements in resilience and disaster management
Report of the challenges of disinformationReport of the challenges of disinformation - Summaries of SCOPE –planning
Recommendations on ethically acceptable technologies and tools to improve risk awareness and resilience in vulnerable circumstancesRecommendations on ethically acceptable technologies and tools to improve risk awareness and resilience in vulnerable circumstances Indexed publication
Recommendation on resource allocation for addressing risksRecommendation on resource allocation for addressing risks delivered in the form of a policy paper published by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Lowering of disaster social costs by reducing evacuees' dissatisfaction with temporary accommodation in safe areasLowering of disaster social costs by reducing evacuees dissatisfaction with temporary accommodation in safe areas
Sustainability ReportSustainability Report Mainstreaming Network connections and Policy Recommendations
Vulnerable population segments in Europe – inside and outside the official dataIndexed publication “Vulnerable population segments in Europe – inside and outside the official data
Managing Chemical Spill Emergency and Disinformation through Simulated ResponsesManaging Chemical Spill Emergency and Disinformation through Simulated Responses in Tampere, Finland
Report on segments of vulnerability country by country basis – inside and outside the official dataThe policy and practice innovations reducing vulnerability of European population to natural and man-made hazards
The policy and practice innovations reducing vulnerability of European population to natural and manmade hazards
Innovation policy recommendationsReport on innovation policy recommendations
Colloquium3Report on the third Backtoback global resilience research colloquium
Final report on Resilience policy recommendationsFinal report on resilience policy recommendations
Report presenting the unified theoretical framework on the concepts of risk awareness, social capital, vulnerable segments of society, and their inter-dependenciesThe final report on the unified theoretical framework on the concepts of risk awareness, social capital, vulnerable segments of society, and their inter-dependencies
Report on citizens’ and communities’ views to risk awareness, social capital and vulnerabilitiesObservations for Draft Policy and Other Measures in Building Resilience for the Severely Vulnerable Populations
Report on communication behaviour and use of social media in Europe
Criteria for Selection of Sample Surveying the Disadvantaged People Vulnerability
Criteria for Selection of Sample Surveying the Disadvantaged People Vulnerability to Natural and Man-made Hazard over 2013-2018
Resilience policy recommendationsFirst report on resilience policy recommendations
Activity report 1, delivered to EC – according GA
The first version of the unified theoretical framework on the concepts of risk awareness, social capital, vulnerable segments of society, and their inter-dependenciesThe first draft presenting the unified theoretical framework on the concepts of risk awareness, social capital, vulnerable segments of society, and their inter-dependencies to be presented to Stakeholder Forum and Advisory Boards for comments.
Dissemination materialsStakeholder validation of research findings and co-creation of innovations
Stakeholder validation of research findings and cocreation of innovations
New dissemination materialsBoard game
Board game The scope of the games will be to introduce four disaster scenarios and what are the necessary steps to be taken in case of these emergency situations Online channels and digital educational platforms will be used for dissemination eg those maintained by the European Schoolnet
Peer reviewed articlesTwo articles to be submitted for review.
Using mobile positioning data for more precise hazard responses
Using mobile positioning data for more precise hazard responses based on maps of population dynamics
Maps of the Severely Vulnerable PopulationsReducing Social Vulnerability by Innovative Data Fusion for More-Informed Rescue Prioritization
Recorded webinar and/or slide presentations on the first Back-to-back global resilience research colloquium
End-user assessment of the new tools and technologies for disaster managementEnduser assessment of the new tools and technologies for disaster management Multimedia catalogue of enduser workshops
Colloquium2The recorded webinar and/or slide presentations on the second Back-to-back global resilience research colloquium.
Online platform open and in operationOnline platform open and in operation on citizens’ and communities’ views to risk awareness, social capital and vulnerabilities
Mohammed Ali Berawi,Pekka Leviäkangas,Fadhi Muhammad,Mustika Sari,Gunawan,Yandi Andri Yatmo,Muhammad Suryanegara
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of technology, Numero 10, 2019, Pagina/e 1416-1426, ISSN 2086-9614
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
Sten Torpan, Sten Hansson, Mark Rhinard, Austeja Kazemekaityte, Pirjo Jukarainen, Sunniva Frislid Meyer, Abriel Schieffelers, Gabriella Lovasz, Kati Orru
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Numero 57, 2021, Pagina/e 102151, ISSN 2212-4209
Elsevier Limited
Bahar Shahverdi, Elise Miller-Hooks, Mersedeh Tariverdi, Hadi Ghayoomi, David Prentiss, Thomas D. Kirsch
Pubblicato in:
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Numero 10 January 2022, 2022, Pagina/e 26, ISSN 1935-7893
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd.
Kati Orru, Kristi Nero, Tor-Olav Nævestad, Abriel Schieffelers, Alexandra Olson, Merja Airola, Austeja Kazemekaityte, Gabriella Lovasz, Giuseppe Scurci, Johanna Ludvigsen, and Daniel A. de los Rios Pérez
Pubblicato in:
Disasters, Numero 45, 2021, Pagina/e 48-75, ISSN 1467-7717
Wiley Online Library
Claudia Morsut, Christian Kuran, Bjørn Ivar Kruke, Tor‐Olav Nævestad, Kati Orru, Sten Hansson
Pubblicato in:
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, 2021, ISSN 1944-4079
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Kati Orru, Sten Hansson, Friedrich Gabel, Piia Tammpuu, Marco Krüger, Lucia Savadori, Sunniva Frislid Meyer, Sten Torpan, Pirjo Jukarainen, Abriel Schieffelers, Gabriella Lovasz, Mark Rhinard
Pubblicato in:
Disasters, Numero 45, 2021, ISSN 1467-7717
Wiley Online Library
Sten Hansson, Kati Orru, Sten Torpan, Asta Bäck, Austeja Kazemekaityte, Sunniva Frislid Meyer, Johanna Ludvigsen, Lucia Savadori, Alessandro Galvagni, Ala Pigrée
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Risk Research, Numero in press, 2021, Pagina/e 1-14, ISSN 1366-9877
Carfax Publishing Ltd.
Tuula Kekki, Jaana Keränen, Sanna Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist, Riitta Molarius, Miia Myllylä
Pubblicato in:
Futura, Numero 4, 2021, Pagina/e 8-22, ISSN 0785-5494
Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen seura ry.
Sten Hansson, Kati Orru, Andra Siibak, Asta Bäck, Marco Krüger, Friedrich Gabel, Claudia Morsut
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Numero 51, 2020, Pagina/e 101931, ISSN 2212-4209
Elsevier Limited
Claudia Morsut, Christian Kuran, Bjørn Ivar Kruke, Kati Orru, Sten Hansson
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 2021, ISSN 0966-0879
Blackwell Publishing Inc.
Mohammed Ali Berawi
Pekka Leviäkangas
Sutan Akbar Onggar Siahaan
Alya Hafidza
Mustika Sari
Perdana Miraj
Ruki Harwahyu
Gunawan Saroji
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Numero 60, 2021, Pagina/e 1-14, ISSN 2212-4209
Elsevier Limited
Christian Henrik Alexander Kuran, Claudia Morsut, Bjørn Ivar Kruke, Marco Krüger, Lisa Segnestam, Kati Orru, Tor Olav Nævestad, Merja Airola, Jaana Keränen, Friedrich Gabel, Sten Hansson, Sten Torpan
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Numero 50, 2020, Pagina/e 101826, ISSN 2212-4209
Elsevier Limited
Mohammed Ali Berawi
Sutan Akbar Onggar Siahaan
Miraj Perdana
Pekka Leviakangas
Pubblicato in:
Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Numero 7, 2020, Pagina/e 246-252, ISSN 2432-5953
Kyushu University
Kruke, Bjorn Ivar; Airola, Merja; Keränen, Jaana; Orru, Kati; Hansson, Sten; Torpan, Sten; Berg, Fanny; Rhinard, Mark; Naevestad, Tor-Olav; Bennich, Therese; Segnestam, Lisa; Schobert, Maira; Krüger, Marco; Gabel, Friedrich; Savadori, Lucia
Pubblicato in:
BuildERS project
Jaana Keränen, Merja Airola, Riitta Molarius, Juhani Latvakoski, Toni Lusikka, Claudia Morsut, Christian Henrik Alexander Kuran, Kati Orru, Sten Hansson, Sten Torpan, Kristi Nero, Ago Tominga, Friedrich Gabel, Maira Schobert, Lucia Savadori, Luigi Mittone, Alexandra Olson, Tor-Olav Nævestad, Mark Rhinard, Jennifer Hinton, Margo Klaos, Marianne Mela, Pirjo Jukarainen, Miia Myllylä, Camilla Katt
Pubblicato in:
VTT Technology, Numero 406, 2022, Pagina/e 1-71, ISBN 978-951-38-8768-1
Peter Windsheimer, Maira Schobert, Elsa Schmersal, Friedrich Gabel, Matthias Max
Pubblicato in:
GRC research publication series, Numero 11, 2022
German Red Cross
Friedrich Gabel, Marco Krüger, Claudia Morsut, Christian Kuran
Pubblicato in:
Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 (Contributing Paper), Numero 2022, 2022
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
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