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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Amenability, Approximation and Reconstruction

Description du projet

Explorer les opérateurs moyennables des algèbres

Les algèbres d’opérateurs linéaires continus sur les espaces de Hilbert ont été initialement conçues comme un cadre mathématique approprié pour décrire la mécanique quantique. Dans les mathématiques modernes, le champ d’application s’est élargi en raison de la nature très polyvalente des algèbres d’opérateurs. L’analyse des groupes et de leurs actions constitue un sujet d’intérêt particulier. La moyennabilité est une propriété de finitude qui possède un grand nombre de formulations équivalentes. Le projet AMAREC, financé par l’UE, analysera la moyennabilité en termes de propriétés d’approximation dans le contexte des C*-algèbres abstraites, des systèmes dynamiques topologiques et des groupes discrets. Les propriétés d’approximation serviront de passerelle entre ces configurations et seront utilisées pour récupérer systématiquement des informations géométriques sur les structures sous-jacentes.


Algebras of operators on Hilbert spaces were originally introduced as the right framework for the mathematical description of quantum mechanics. In modern mathematics the scope has much broadened due to the highly versatile nature of operator algebras. They are particularly useful in the analysis of groups and their actions. Amenability is a finiteness property which occurs in many different contexts and which can be characterised in many different ways. We will analyse amenability in terms of approximation properties, in the frameworks of abstract C*-algebras, of topological dynamical systems, and of discrete groups. Such approximation properties will serve as bridging devices between these setups, and they will be used to systematically recover geometric information about the underlying structures. When passing from groups, and more generally from dynamical systems, to operator algebras, one loses information, but one gains new tools to isolate and analyse pertinent properties of the underlying structure. We will mostly be interested in the topological setting, and in the associated C*-algebras. Amenability of groups or of dynamical systems then translates into the completely positive approximation property. Systems of completely positive approximations store all the essential data about a C*-algebra, and sometimes one can arrange the systems so that one can directly read of such information. For transformation group C*-algebras, one can achieve this by using approximation properties of the underlying dynamics. To some extent one can even go back, and extract dynamical approximation properties from completely positive approximations of the C*-algebra. This interplay between approximation properties in topological dynamics and in noncommutative topology carries a surprisingly rich structure. It connects directly to the heart of the classification problem for nuclear C*-algebras on the one hand, and to central open questions on amenable dynamics on the other.

Régime de financement

ERC-ADG - Advanced Grant

Institution d’accueil

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 596 017,00

Voir sur la carte

Nordrhein-Westfalen Münster Münster, Kreisfreie Stadt
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 596 017,00

Bénéficiaires (1)