Von der Toilette in den Garten
Nehmen Sie Ihre Toilette nicht als selbstverständlich hin! Seit den ersten Toiletten um 1800 hat sich so viel verändert. Von den Hochtank-Toiletten der viktorianischen Ära bis zu den modernen Wunderwerken, an die wir heute gewöhnt sind, hat sich eines nicht geändert: der Wasserverbrauch. Wussten Sie, dass die Toilettenspülung etwa ein Drittel des Wasserverbrauchs im Haushalt ausmacht? Trockentoiletten mögen zwar ein Teil der Lösung sein, sind aber nicht für städtische Wohnblocks geeignet. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts SANIBUILDING wird eine einzigartige Methode entwickelt, die speziell für Geschossbauten konzipiert ist. Unter Nutzung geringer Mengen an Wasser und Strom wird diese neue Technologie in der Lage sein, Fäkalien in hochwertigen Kompost für den Gartenbau zu verwandeln.
Today, sanitation systems at western countries are based on flushing toilets and its subsequent treatment of waste waters. This method implies a huge amount of water used per person as well as a lot of energy that is used for waste water treatment plants. This method does not always comply with the standards, polluting soils and watercourses. On top, the extension of Europe dry regions could increase to 26% if the average temperature rises 2 degrees Celsius. New flushing toilets incorporating less litres at their tank still don’t solve the problem. For the reasons expressed above, new approaches of feces and urine management at urban level need to be considered in order to ensure natural areas’ preservation, improve water/energy management and reduce its consumption. Dry toilets are a part of the solution, but most of them are conceived for individual houses or isolated cabins but not for storey buildings. In response, SANISPHERE, a French SME leader at dry toilets with a patented urine and feces separation system and composting method based on earthworms created SANIBUILDING, an unique method able to be used at storey buildings no matter the number of storey, with a negligible use of water and electricity with the possibility to transform feces in high quality compost used for gardening, with a very easy maintenance. SANIBUILDING project aims to finalise now its technical development and market preparation. To achieve these objectives first we need to prepare a Feasibility Study that help us warrant our project from all technical, financial and commercial points of view. This study will allow us to set the plan to push our technology forward, from TRL6 to TRL9. Once completed, this project will bring key advantages to society and the environment while boosting the growth of our company. Indeed, we estimate to gain €5.7 million in profits and reach a ROI of €3 from this project after 5 years, with a positive impact regarding employments with 31 job creation.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringwater treatment processeswastewater treatment processes
- engineering and technologyenvironmental biotechnologybioremediationcompost
- social scienceseconomics and businessbusiness and managementbusiness models
- social scienceseconomics and businesseconomicssustainable economy
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringwaste managementwaste treatment processes
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SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1Koordinator
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