CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

The Role of Antibodies (Ig) and the Respiratory Epithelium in the Prevention of Invasive Meningococcal Infections in Different Age Groups


Analyse der Invasivität von Meningokokken-Infektionen

In den letzten Jahren wurde ein erneutes Auftreten des Meningokokken-Stammes der Serogruppe W vom Typ 11 beobachtet, der eine erhöhte Invasivität aufweist. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt EpIg Men die Virulenzfaktoren erforschen, die für die Invasivität dieses Stammes verantwortlich sind, und ermitteln, ob Antikörper die Pathogene noch immer beseitigen können. Dabei wird das Forschungsteam die Mechanismen untersuchen, die der Interaktion zwischen den Meningokokken und den Epithelzellen zugrunde liegen, und beurteilen, inwieweit Antikörper verschiedener Altersgruppen Schutz vor einer Infektion bieten. Die Ergebnisse werden dazu beitragen, neue Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Bevölkerung zu treffen und möglicherweise neue Ziele für Therapien sowie für die Impfstoffentwicklung zu finden.


Highly invasive meningococcal infections with serogroup W of clonal type cc11 are rapidly increasing and have a high (16-25%) mortality rate. The aim of this project is to investigate why recent isolates are invasive and how different antibodies can protect. Special focus will be on protection of epithelial cells of the wall of the respiratory tract as prevention of infection may be key to protect the public against infection with MenW cc11.

Recent clinical isolates of different clinical invasiveness will be subjected to pangenetic analyses to identify virulence factors. The ability of these isolates to infect epithelial cells will be evaluated to compare virulence factors with functional invasiveness. I then will analyse meningococcal-specific antibody levels in serum and saliva in different age groups with increased carriage and/or risk of meningococcal invasive disease. The antibodies will be evaluated for their ability to protect against infection in two different functional assays: prevention of infection of respiratory epithelial cells and the gold standard serum bactericidal assay that predicts the ability to clear invaded meningococci. Finally, epithelial responses to meningococci and modulation of these responses will be investigated. These studies will analyse cytokine and chemokine production, and the production of antibodies by B cells in epithelial-B cell co-cultures.

Together, these data will a) help to identify meningococcal virulence factors and the invasiveness of MenW cc11 relative to other isolates, b) identify levels and functional ability of antibodies to protect against infection in groups at increased risk, c) help in defining a novel correlate of protection and d) reveal meningococcal-epithelial interactions. The results will provide insight for vaccine design, vaccination policy and surveillance strategies.


€ 187 572,48
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9
3721 MA Bilthoven

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Research Organisations
€ 187 572,48