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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Heart Damper: a revolutionary device for Heart Failure


Ein neuartiges Implantat verspricht bessere Aussichten bei Herzinsuffizienz

Eine systolische Herzinsuffizienz liegt vor, wenn die linke Herzkammer nicht mehr in der Lage ist, sich normal zusammenzuziehen, und das Herz das Blut nicht mehr ausreichend pumpen kann, um den Körper zu versorgen. Konventionelle Medikamente tragen zur Bewältigung der Krankheit bei und können teils die Herzfunktion verbessern. Doch die einzige wirkliche Heilungschance besteht nach wie vor in einer Herztransplantation, wobei diese Möglichkeit allerdings durch die Verfügbarkeit von Spenden und das Alter der Betroffenen eingeschränkt ist. Um diesem Problem beizukommen, hat das EU-finanzierte Projekt HD4HF eine implantierbare kardiale Vorrichtung entwickelt, das in die linke Herzkammer eingesetzt werden kann – den Heart Damper (HD). Die Innovation des HD besteht darin, dass er die verbleibende Kontraktionskraft des Herzens nutzt, um die Herzfunktion wiederherzustellen und so die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen zu verbessern.


This project supports the market introduction of the Heart Damper (HD), a very innovative implantable cardiac device, intended to provide a simple, quick and cost-effective solution to treat patients affected by systolic heart failure.

Heart Failure (HF) is a growing epidemic and a major public health issue: only in EU and US it affects today about 15 million people, with an expected growth of about 38% by 2030. 2 million of these patients are affected by advanced heart failure: a phase in which the pharmacological therapies alone are no longer sufficient to manage the symptoms. Late stage treatments, such as Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) or Total Artificial Heart (TAH) are indeed inevitably associated with high risk of rejection and low quality of life. HF has no actual cure apart from heart transplantation, which is very rare and impossible for people over 65 (80% of HF patients). In addition, HF has a significant social cost, as it doesn’t affect only the individual patient, but also his family and his community. In the US, for example, the costs related to the loss of work and household productivity are estimated at $ 8.2 billion/year (by 2030, $12.3 billion/year).

The Heart Damper, a minimally invasive cardiac device, will make it possible to give patients a longer and better life expectancy, independently from their age, at the same time reducing the staggering associated healthcare costs. Designed to be stably fitted into the left ventricle by a simple transapical surgical procedure, once implanted it moves upwards exploiting the residual contractile cacapacity of the heart, without any need of external energy sources. The device is protected by a patent fully owned by Eucardia, which has been granted in Europe, US and other major countries worldwide.

The SME 1 Instrument will enable Eucardia to assess in detail the technical feasibility and economic viability of its innovation, in order to ease HD market penetration, in respect of HF market segment.

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€ 50 000,00
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