Verwirklichung des Potenzials der Skalierung zur Beschreibung supramolekularer Energiefunktionen
Damit wir die Welt, die sich um uns herum und in uns befindet, auf atomarer Ebene verstehen können, müssen wir die potenzielle Energie von Molekülen vorhersagen können. Eine präzise Beschreibung dieser Energie lässt sich bei großen molekularen Systemen wie Proteinen jedoch nur schwer erreichen. Aktuell werden dazu gewöhnlich einfache und zu ungenaue klassische Funktionen genutzt, während ein rigoroserer Ansatz auf Basis der direkten Nutzung der Quantenmechanik rechnerisch zu anspruchsvoll ist. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt DIEinPEACE strebt an, diese Lücke zu schließen und eine Möglichkeit für akkurate und schnelle theoretische Vorhersagen zu finden, die viele Bereiche der Naturwissenschaft und Biomedizin revolutionieren könnte.
"Modern computational methods of quantum chemistry are valuable and well-established tools for interpretations, refinements, and even predictions of experimental results. Recent advances within linear-scaling (with the system size) approaches allowed routine and efficient treatments of electronic structures of much larger molecular systems than those accessible in previous decades. This has the potential to extend the applicability of quantum chemistry to very large biomolecules. However, reaching a close to linear-scaling behavior for a single point calculation is by no means near to providing an efficient description of the total potential energy surface. Because potential energy surfaces are cornerstones for obtaining a detailed knowledge of reactivity, photochemical properties, vibrational motion, etc., development of a computationally inexpensive but accurate quantum chemical methodology for potential energy surface calculations of large biomolecules (such as proteins) is of extreme importance for chemical science. The proposed project aims at filling this gap by developing an ab initio, linear-scaling, and ""black-box"" machinery for protein potential energy surfaces calculations, where the linear-scaling refers to the total computational cost. This will be achieved by combining ideas of partitioning the total system into subsystems and incremental expansions of potential energy surfaces with efficient and accurate computational algorithms and modern concepts of machine leaning. The proposed strategy will enable theoretical spectra simulations for much larger biomolecules. This will significantly advance the current stage of the field and help to reveal many new and intricate details about structures and dynamics of proteins."
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MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EFKoordinator
8000 Aarhus C