CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Integration of Heat flux sensor in (wrist) wearable devices for accurately and non-invasively continuous monitoring of core body temperature (CBT) for the early detection of health-related disorders


Ein Handgelenkssensor zur kontinuierlichen Überwachung der Körpertemperatur

Unser Körper hält seine normale Temperatur homöostatisch über ein integriertes Kontrollsystem in unserem Gehirn aufrecht. Die Körperkerntemperatur ist ein wichtiges Vitalzeichen bei diversen Erkrankungen und erhöht sich als Reaktion auf eine Infektion. Um die kontinuierliche Überwachung der Körpertemperatur zu erleichtern, hat das EU-finanzierte Projekt gSKIN BodyTemp den ersten Thermosensor entwickelt, der in am Handgelenk getragene Geräte wie Smartwatches und Aktivitätstracker integriert werden kann. Diese revolutionäre Technologie wird den bisherigen Funktionsumfang von tragbaren Geräten (Herzfrequenz, arterielle Sauerstoffsättigung, Kalorienverbrauch) erweitern. Vor allem aber wird sie die Gesundheitsüberwachung von Menschen mit Leiden wie Parkinson oder Schlafstörungen unterstützen.


Wearable biosensor systems for fitness and health monitoring have become popular in the last years, however, there is no wearable technology available for accurately monitor core body temperature (CBT) to date. In consequence, gSKIN BodyTemp (gSKIN BT hereafter) project aims at providing the first thermal sensor for non-invasive, wireless and continuous CBT monitoring; also meeting size requirements to be integrated in wrist wearable devices. The invention relies on our patented heat flux technology, a cost-effective thermal sensor plus sophisticated machine learning algorithms allowing accurate (±0.2°C) and real-time CBT measurements for the first time on the wrist and under free living conditions. gSKIN BT will result on added value for high-quality wearables, improving healthcare and sport medicine by enabling ubiquitous CBT monitoring. Other valuable novelties are its reduced cost and lower energy consumption compared to the available options. These advantages make gSKIN BT a disruptive solution with great potential for commercial success in the growing wearables market (€123 B by 2026, CAGR 35%), representing a core source of growth for the company and consolidating our position in the thermal sensing sector. We will conduct a feasibility study and a business plan analyzing the technical, commercial and financial aspects required to ensure the market launch. Being CBT an important vital parameter involved in some of the biggest health issues (e.g. sleep disorders, Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases), gSKIN BT will be a great enabler for the necessary transformation towards a patient centred preventive health care system.

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€ 50 000,00
8005 Zurich

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Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Zürich Zürich
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 71 429,00