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Volcanic Forcing in Climate Model Projections: Towards a New Paradigm.

Descripción del proyecto

Impacto del cambio climático en las erupciones volcánicas

Las erupciones volcánicas inyectan gases de azufre en la atmósfera que modifican el balance energético de la Tierra y provocan el enfriamiento de la superficie terrestre. El enfriamiento que sigue a las grandes erupciones puede tener importantes repercusiones sociales y también contribuir a mitigar el calentamiento global. Sin embargo, los procesos que rigen el enfriamiento de la superficie asociado a las erupciones son en sí mismos sensibles al clima. Por ejemplo, el transporte de gases volcánicos se rige por la circulación atmosférica. El objetivo del proyecto VOLCPRO, financiado con fondos europeos, es investigar cómo afectará el cambio climático al ciclo de vida de los gases volcánicos, y evaluar si el enfriamiento volcánico se verá aumentado o atenuado con el calentamiento de la Tierra.


Volcanic eruptions injecting gases into the stratosphere modify Earth’s radiative balance and atmosphere chemistry, which in turn impacts all components of the Earth system. The surface cooling that follows large eruptions can have major societal impacts and volcanic eruptions contribute to mitigate global warming. Yet, climate model projections use simplistic representation of this key forcing and commonly assume a constant volcanic forcing in the future. The most realistic projections only represent very large and rare eruptions, and ignore how climate change will affect the rise of volcanic plumes, the evolution of the associated aerosol clouds and the subsequent climate impacts.

To improve the representation of volcanic forcing in climate model projections, I will address two fundamental questions:
1) How does a statistically realistic representation of volcanic eruptions of all magnitude in climate models affect projected climate changes?
2) How will climate-volcano feedbacks modulate the impact of future volcanic eruptions on climate?
To answer them, I will perform a suite of experiments with the United Kingdom’s flagship Earth system model, UKESM1, which is a fully coupled aerosol-chemistry-climate model. These experiments are aimed to feed the designing of future climate projections.

During the fellowship, I will gain brand-new skills in climate modeling and be trained by world-leading experts in this field. I will combine these skills with my expertise in physical volcanology to address the proposed research questions and, in particular, improve our understanding of climate-volcano interactions in the context of global climate change. The fellowship will enable me to become an interdisciplinary leader in climate-volcano research and will constitute a stepping stone towards new research opportunities and applications for a tenure-track position.

Régimen de financiación

MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 224 933,76
CB2 1TN Cambridge
Reino Unido

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East of England East Anglia Cambridgeshire CC
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 224 933,76