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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Converting household waste into sustainable bio-based materials


Von Abfall auf Deponien zu neuen biobasierten Materialien

Jedes Jahr fallen weltweit über 2 Milliarden Tonnen Haushaltsabfälle an – das sind 50 Tonnen Abfall jede Sekunde. Über 70 % dieser Abfälle landen auf Deponien oder werden offen abgeworfen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt UBQ Materials stellt eine bahnbrechende Lösung vor, um Abfall von einer Belastung in einen wertvollen Sachwert umzuwandeln. UBQ Materials wandelt Restmüll aus Haushalten – organische Stoffe wie Lebensmittel und benutzte Windeln zusammen mit Kunststoff, Pappe und Verpackungen – in eine nachhaltige Alternative zu Kunststoff und anderen herkömmlichen Rohmaterialien um. UBQ™ ist ein klimaschonender und biobasierter Thermoplast, der nahtlos in Standardfertigungsprozesse integriert werden kann. UBQ Materials ermöglicht es Industrien, den CO2-Fußabdruck ihrer Endprodukte zu senken, den Anteil wiederverwerteter Stoffe zu maximieren und endliche Ressourcen zu sparen, ohne dabei die Rentabilität einzuschränken.


2bn tons of waste are produced globally per year. An average European leaves behind 480 kg of household waste every year . 99% of things that we buy are sent to trash within 6 months. 50 tons of household waste are produced every second. 95% of waste produced globally is estimated not to be recycled. 80% of waste is dumped into open landfills next to rivers, lakes or oceans. 100m people live on or near landfills all around the world. Moreover, the waste production is increasing—by 2030 the amount of household waste will almost double to 3bn tons annually. Landfills generate not only CO2 but methane, which is 100X more dangerous, dioxins & furans. Utilizing waste as a material asset will open doors to massive savings of natural resources.
We have developed a revolutionary solution that converts residual municipal solid waste, destined for landfills, into a novel patented UBQ Material. The heterogeneous mixed waste stream (including the organics fractions like food waste, garden trimmings, paper, cardboard, diapers, dirty plastics, as well as packaging materials) is converted into an entirely homogeneous material that can be used in existing plastic processing equipment.
Our solution enables industry to reuse waste materials over & over again. By converting the waste into this commercially viable & valuable material, we provide the missing link between waste disposal through to new product manufacturing, moving from a linear extraction and consumption system to a truly circular economy.
We estimate that the global plastic industry can implement UBQ Material blended together with virgin or recycled resins at 10% rate. One 10 ton/hour production plant will produce ~70,000 tons of UBQ Material per year. Once we have industrial-grade throughput of 20 ton/hour in 2020, we plan to roll out 1 plant per year, reaching a total capacity of at least 1.4m ton/year within 8 years. We are aiming at 320+ FTEs by 2024 with €160m in revenues from UBQ Material sales.

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€ 50 000,00
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Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 71 429,00