CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Algeria, antifascism, and Third Worldism: An anticolonial genealogy of the Western European New Left (Algeria, France, Italy, 1957-1975)


Die Dritte-Welt-Bewegung und die europäische Linke

Der Unabhängigkeitskrieg in Algerien (1954-1962) und die Dritte-Welt-Bewegung im Allgemeinen beeinflussten die entstehenden neuen politischen Kulturen in den „langen 1960er Jahren“ erheblich und verbanden einen erneuerten Antifaschismus mit dem Antikolonialismus. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt The Damned wird die Genealogie der Neuen Linken in Westeuropa von Mitte der 1950er bis Mitte der 1970er Jahre untersuchen. Das Projekt konzentriert sich auf Algerien, Frankreich und Italien und hat zum Ziel, durch Einbeziehung des (post-)kolonialen Raums die politische Geografie Europas neu zu gestalten und den historischen Einfluss des Unabhängigkeitskriegs in Algerien auf die entstehenden politischen Kulturen der 1960er Jahre neu zu bewerten. The Damned wird eine Fallstudie erstellen, um die Entstehung der Neuen Linken als einen komplexen lokalen, nationalen und transnationalen Prozess zu ergründen.


THE DAMNED proposes a new study of the genealogy of the New Left in Western Europe from the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s. Breaking with current interpretations, the project reframes the European political geography to include the (post)colonial space, and reassesses the historical influence of the Algerian War of Independence (1954–1962) – and Third Worldism more generally – in the genealogy of the new political cultures that flourished during the ‘long 1960s’, associating a renewed antifascism with anticolonial struggles. Bringing together disciplines and methodologies from across a number of humanities and social sciences, THE DAMNED will produce a case study (focusing on Algeria, France and Italy) setting out new approaches to understanding the emerging of the New Left as a complex process encompassing local, national and transnational dynamics; a process shaped by, but also shaping, decolonisation. The goal is to contribute – at least – to complicating the Western narrative of the global 1960s, by shifting the focus from Berkeley and Paris to Algiers.

THE DAMNED is to be carried out mostly in Algeria, with a secondment in France and a return phase in Italy. Working with leading experts in each of these countries, the aim is to develop a truly transnational, interdisciplinary network exploring anew the global 1960s. By means of an extensive oral history project interviewing anticolonial activists, THE DAMNED will create a repository of sources for researchers, with a selection of interviews accessible online. THE DAMNED has been designed to ensure a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge between the researcher and the third country (Algeria): ‘The challenge is to improve the design of cultural experiences by enhancing participatory and collaborative approaches and by fostering mutual cultural understanding and resilient strategies’, as stated in the H2020 Work Programme 2018–20.


€ 221 605,44
10124 Torino

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Nord-Ovest Piemonte Torino
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 221 605,44

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