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Risultati finali
This deliverable will summarize the findings from the hackathon to be organised within the project to define challenges to adopt the developed business models on social innovation activities in the energy sector task 45
Report on new business cases for a better engagement of citizens in the energy market of todayThis deliverable will describe the findings of the mutual learning activities and the pairing workshops organised to gather firsthand knowledge on existing new business cases The report forms the basis for the recommendations to be developed during the SocialRES project task 42
Database of driving factors in social innovations in the energy sectorDatabase of the main factors that drive citizens, investors and other stakeholders to contribute in social innovation schemes for clean-energy transition (task 2.1).
Comparative analysis of existing business models for RES cooperative, aggregators and crowd-fundersAnalysis of the different business model archetypes existing in the energy sector and how social and environmental standpoints impact these business models task 23
Toolkit for policy assessmentThe toolkit will include methodologies at various depths as well as illustrative good practice examples to assess the impacts of RES cooperatives crowdfunding platforms and aggregators reflected at the different stages of policy development and evaluation task 52
Report on behavioural aspects of engagement with social innovation projectsThis deliverable will provide the followed methodology and final results for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative results on behavioural aspects of engagement with social innovation projects task 33
Policy briefs for different stakeholder groupsThis deliverable will provide a set of policy recommendations given in a set of policy briefs individually targeting the various levels of government the key market actors citizens and civil society task 54
Guidelines successful social innovations in the energy sectorGuidelines for renewable energy aggregators cooperatives crowdfunding platforms and other socially innovative organisations in the energy sector that support these organisations in further developing their organisational and financial strategies for the renewable energy sector task 23
Website onlineProject website (in English) will represent the main access point to key information, including objectives, partners, activities, events, publications, project news, dissemination materials and crosslinks to sister H2020 projects and other initiatives (task 6.2).
Final report on Dissemination and Communication activitiesThe impacts of CD activities will be continuously monitored through an integrated analysis of quantitative performance indicators including outreach data to measure awareness and engagement indicators such as the Community Engagement Index CEI to measure the level of online interaction between the project contents and viewers and key qualitative assessment of stakeholders feedback The use of indicators will allow SocialRES to measure the effectiveness of its CD strategy through a scalable approach For this reason the Plan will be subject to one update in the course of the project task 65
List of open access publicationsThis deliverable will combine the open access peerreviewed and other scientifictechnical publications published during the SocialRES project task 14
Roadmap for virtual transaction platform - P2P Tractebel platform for residential neighbourhoodThis deliverable will describe the P2P virtual platform for residential neighbourhood to be developed by Tractebel during the SocialRES project task 44
Report on policy dialoguesThis deliverable will summarize the dialogues held with policy makers on the impact that the new Energy Union framework will have on energy communities as well as on active consumers task 53
White paper on good policy practiceThis deliverable will analyse the effectiveness and efficiency of policies and regulatory frameworks to support a climate that is conducive to the initiation consolidation and upscaling of socially innovative organisations in the energy sector The focus lies on the key actor groups RES cooperatives RES Crowdfunding platforms and RES energy aggregators task 51
SWOT analysis for all case studies, including assessment of competitiveness through LCOEThis deliverable will summarize the SWOT analysis carried out to evaluate the current status of engagement of members/consumers/ citizens in cooperatives, aggregators and crowdfunding platforms (task 4.1).
Report on new business models for cooperation among cooperatives, crowdfunding platforms and aggregatorsThis deliverable will describe the innovative business models for social innovations in the energy sector developed during the SocialRES project for renewable energies cooperatives crowdfunding platforms and aggregators task 44
Flyer, in English, (M8) describing the overall approach of the project, its innovation and the expected impacts to be widely distributed by partners at meetings and events (task 6.2).
Short final web videoShort final web video on the case studies including interviews of key actors and citizens involved as well as partners participating in the study tours task 63
Call-to-action videoCalltoaction video CTA to promote the online survey addressing the general public and inviting viewers to take the online survey task 63
With this deliverable an update of the data management plan will be provided in the middle of the project life time task 13
Data management planIn line with the requirements “Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020” this deliverable defines how the partners will manage the research data generated during the project (task 1.3).
Final Data management planWith this deliverable an update of the data management plan will be provided at the end of the project life time task 13
Hangjian Wu, James Carroll, Eleanor Denny
Pubblicato in:
Energy Research & Social Science, Numero 1, 2022, ISSN 2214-6296
Elsevier Limited
Silvia Caneva, Pablo Alonso, Magdalena Kovarova; Iban Lizarralde, Isabelle Valentin, Audrey Abi Akle, Mikhail Hamwi; Volker Kromrey, Dimitri Vedel, Annika Wotjen; Andreas Schneller, Lena Domröse; Alice Ferrari, Claudia Crippa; Eleanor Denny; Maria Regidor, Sofía Mulero; Iban Lacoste; Nuno Brito Jorge, Carolina Ribeiro; Rodrigo Ruiz; Karl Harder, Tom Harwood; Tijana Šimek, Florin Ciausiu, Daniel
Pubblicato in:
EUPVSEC, Numero 1, 2019
Hangjian Wu; Ivan Petrov; Eleanor Denny
Pubblicato in:
1st IAEE Online Conference, 2021
Silvia Caneva, Pablo Alonso, Iban Lizarralde, Isabelle Valentin, Audrey Abi Akle, Mi-khail Hamwi, Volker Kromrey, Dimitri Vedel, Annika Wotjen, Andreas Schneller, Lena Domröse, Alice Ferrari, Claudia Crippa, Eleanor Denny, James Carroll, Maria Regidor, Sofía Mulero, Iban Lacoste, Rodrigo Ruiz, Nuno Brito Jorge, Mariana Teixeira, Karl Harder, Tom Harwood, Tijana Šimek, Daniela Leonte, Mihai Poli
Pubblicato in:
Hamwi, Michael; Lizarralde, Iban
Pubblicato in:
4th International Conference on New Business Model, Berlin 2019, Numero 1, 2019
4th International Conference on New Business Model, Berlin 2019
Iban Lizarralde, Mikhail Hamwi, Silvia Caneva, Sonja Wilhelm, David van der Zande, Audrey Abi Akle, Basma Samir, Volker Kromrey, Dimitri Vedel, Linda Lentzen, Andreas Schneller, Jakob Hoffmann, Kathrin Kohl, Johanna Doerpinghaus, Elisabeth Schmid, Claudia Crippa, Eleanor Denny, James Carroll, Hangjian Wu, Maria Regidor, Sofía Mulero, Iban Lacoste, Rodrigo Ruiz, Santiago Campos, Eva Otero, Nuno Br
Pubblicato in:
Silvia Caneva, Ingrid Weiss, Iban Lizarralde, Mikhail Hamwi, Audrey Abi Akle, Basma Samir, Volker Kromrey, Dimitri Vedel, Jung Lin, Andreas Schneller, Jakob Hoffmann, Kathrin Kohl, Lisa Richter, Elisabeth Schmid, Claudia Crippa, Eleanor Denny, Ivan Pe-trov, Sofía Mulero, Alejandro Hernández Serrano, Maria Regidor, Iban Lacoste, Rodri-go Ruiz, Santiago Campos, Eva Otero, Nuno Brito Jorge, Inês B
Pubblicato in:
Andreas Schneller; Carolin Grüning; Jakob Hoffmann; Johanna Doerpinghaus;
Kathrin Kohl
Pubblicato in:
SocialRES Project
Abi Able, Audrey; Anger, Kathrin; Barnes, Jacob; Betz, Regina; Blasch, Julia; Boije af Gennäs Erre, Ellen; Candalise, Chiara; Caneva, Silvia; Della Valle, Nives; Duetschke, Elisabeth; Dunlop, Tessa; Fjornes, Jan; Gilcrease, Winston; van der Grijp, Nicolien; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte; Hoffmann, Jakob; Hielscher, Sabine; Hoenow, Christian; Kamin, Tanja; Kromrey, Volker; Lin, Jung; Lizarralde, Iban;
Pubblicato in:
SocialRES Project
Hoffmann, Jakob; Fjornes, Jan; Gretzschel, Joscha; Anger, Kathrin; Schneller, Andreas
Pubblicato in:
SocialRES Project
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