CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
This deliverable will consist of the online library to make available the knowledge analysed in T2.1 and the assets produced by the project
Project’s StationaryProject’s branding and stationary including brand’s manual
This deliverable synthesise the final Meeting of the Project.
Electronic newslettersThis deliverable reports the production and dispatch of the newsletters created during the project
Gaps analysis report with recommendationsReport on the results of Task 2.2 (gaps analysis). To determine gaps in the CSA programming to date and opportunities for future CSA topics the report will compare long-term objectives of the bio-based industry for each topical category with Task 2.1 findings
Report on Network of stakeholders setup and mobilisationThis deliverable will report the strategies and methodology adopted for the stakeholders selection, motivation, engagement and mobilization
Report on the synergies and exchange of experience established with other initiativesThis deliverable will report on the liaison activities with identified networks and initiatives
A set of LIFT fact sheets (one per topical category) with Actionable KnowledgeA series of up to 10 fact sheets, one per topical category, (a) presenting the main findings of the CSAs relevant to the category; (b) identifying the main challenges, opportunities and barriers per topical category; (c) describing the gaps to be addressed, based on the gap analysis of Task T2.2 and the outcomes of LIFT’s thematic MML workshops (Task 3.3)
Project websiteReport on the project’s website structure
Outcomes of the Quadruple Helix Stakeholders Mobilisation and Mutual Learning workshopsThis deliverable will report the Mobilisation and Mutual Learning workshops (MMLs) outcomes
Synthesis of key results and findings of CSA projectsReport integrating and aggregating the results of Task 2.1. It will include an inventory and classification of bioeconomy CSAs, and of their most relevant public outputs. It will assess, combine and synthesise key results and findings of the (three most relevant) CSAs per topical category. Where possible, it will indicate how (still active) CSAs could work together and build on each other’s strengths (interlinking CSAs)
Recommendations for the creation of a coherent and stimulating environment for the BioeconomyThis deliverable will collect the recommendations and suggestions for future programming activities in the field of bio-based industries
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