CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

DMX Demonstration in Dunkirk


DMX – eine wettbewerbsfähige neue Dekarbonisierungstechnologie

Das DMX-Verfahren ist eine patentierte Methode zur Abscheidung von CO2 aus industriellen Aktivitäten. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt 3D ist Teil einer umfassenden Studie, die sich der Entwicklung des geplanten europäischen Nordsee-Clusters für CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung in Dünkirchen widmet. Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Wirksamkeit des DMX-Verfahrens im industriellen Pilotmaßstab zu demonstrieren. Standort für das Pilotprojekt wird das Stahlwerk des Konsortiumsmitglieds ArcelorMittal in Dünkirchen, Frankreich, sein. Dort sollen pro Stunde 0,5 Tonnen CO2 aus Abgasen der Stahlproduktion abgeschieden werden. Im industriellen Maßstab könnte das DMX-Abscheidungsverfahren den Energieverbrauch gegenüber aminbasierten Verfahren um rund 35 % senken.


3D project aims mainly at demonstrating DMXTM CO2 Capture technology in AMF’s Dunkirk (FR) steel mill on an industrial pilot plant (0.5 tCO2/hr.), bringing TRL from 4 to 7, with 76% of requested EU budget (14,8M€). DMXTM will give Europe an edge in cost, environmental- and energy-efficient recovery of CO2. Downstream requirements are fully considered in studies of conditioning, transport and storage in North Sea aquifers. Waste Heat Recovery well combined with DMXTM process will allow reaching unprecedent CO2 Capture cost under 40 €/tCO2.
Environmental, societal and stakeholder’s expectations are dealt from the beginning and all-along the project to ensure capability of deploying the CCS cluster on Dunkirk territory. DMXB solvent production will be optimised industrially and environmentally, through LCA.
3D project is based on an EU holistic approach, building on previous an on-going CCS projects where many 3D partners are involved. 2025 full-scale CCS plant of 1 Mt CO2/y will be implemented from end of 3D project which will be an embryo of the future CCS cluster Dunkirk-North Sea 2035 (10 MtCO2/y). It is a major step in the transformation of energy- and CO2-intensive industries such as steel towards EU targets, with opportunities of job creation all along the CO2 CCS chain, notably for Dunkirk region economies and EU storage Hubs. 3D RTD and engineering providers would develop new markets aside from existing Oil & Gas, smoothing environmental and energy-depletion transition. Furthermore, quality of recovered CO2 through DMXTM process is compatible with food-grade markets.
The project success relies on of a highly skilled and experienced consortium involving the complete chain of CCS and key transversal skills (LCA, SSH, KPI/TRL/cost assessment). 11 complementary partners from 6 European countries, of 2 academics (ETHZ, DTU), 4 technology providers (AP, GASSCO, IFPEN, UETIKON), 3 engineering companies (AXENS, John Cockerill, BREVIK), 2 end-users (AMF, TotalEnergies OneTech).

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€ 497 135,00
92500 Rueil Malmaison

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Beteiligte (21)