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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Solving the tangled ontogenesis of the stem for sustainable crops


Den Einfluss von Genen auf das Stammwachstum für einen höheren Ernteertrag verstehen

Die Stammhöhe und der Blütenstand haben einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Ernteertrag. Nur mit grundlegendem Wissen zur Steuerung des Stammwachstums durch Gene lassen sich präzisere genetische Werkzeuge entwickeln, mit denen die Pflanzenproduktivität durch eine Veränderung der Pflanzenhöhe und -form gesteigert werden kann. Um die Ernteerträge zu verbessern, hat man sich oftmals Mutationen bedient, die zu einer Reduktion des Stammwachstums führen. Diese brachten allerdings unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen mit sich. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts SOS-CROPS soll untersucht werden, wie sich das Gen Arabidopsis thaliana HomeoBox 1 (ATH1) auf die Stammentwicklung auswirkt. Anhand dieses Wissens sollen neue Möglichkeiten zur Modifizierung der Pflanzenhöhe entwickelt werden, die mit weniger Nebenwirkungen einhergehen.


Crop yield depends in a large part on stem height and inflorescence structure. Mutations that reduce stem growth have been used widely to improve crop yields but also have undesired side effects, for example during seed formation. In spite of its importance, stem development is poorly understood. Fundamental knowledge of how genes control stem growth is required to develop more precise genetic tools to increase plant productivity by modifying plant height and shape.

The ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX1 (ATH1) gene inhibits stem development but is rapidly downregulated prior to the floral transition to allow elongation of the inflorescence stem. Data from the host lab indicate that ATH1 integrates two of the key hormonal signals that control stem growth: gibberellin (GA) and brassinosteroid (BR). My objectives are to reveal the mode of action of ATH1 and use this knowledge to develop new ways of modifying plant height with fewer undesired side-effects. I will reveal how ATH1 influences GA and BR signalling, understand molecular mechanisms of ATH1 action and identify cis-regulatory mutations that result in dwarf plants due to persistent ATH1 expression after flowering. Such mutations would be particularly useful for two reasons: first, regulatory mutations have been selected repeatedly in evolution and crop improvement because they allow subtle changes in gene expression, with fewer pleiotropic effects. Second, this type of mutation would be expected to be dominant and especially useful in polyploid crops.

In addition to addressing a fundamental problem with practical use, this work will give me cutting edge training in plant developmental genetics and quantitative phenotyping at cellular and macroscopic levels. At the same time, the project will benefit from my knowledge of plant hormonal signalling and extensive experience in genome editing. More broadly, the work will provide me with a valuable network on international contacts and skills for my future career.


€ 224 933,76
NR4 7UH Norwich
Vereinigtes Königreich

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East of England East Anglia Breckland and South Norfolk
Research Organisations
€ 224 933,76