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Forbidden Prayers Library. Shaping Private Piety in Counter-Reformation Europe (16th-18th)

Descrizione del progetto

Recuperare un corpus significativo di preghiere superstiziose in gran voga all’inizio della storia moderna europea

Il progetto FORPRAL, finanziato dall’UE, concentra l’attenzione sull’analisi delle preghiere vernacolari vietate in Spagna, Portogallo e Italia tra il XVI e il XVIII secolo. Queste preghiere erano usate come protezione contro le avversità o le malattie e si attribuiva loro efficacia quando venivano lette, portate con sé o indossate al collo come talismani. Data la varietà del loro impiego, sono state ampiamente, ma non esclusivamente, utilizzate da persone non istruite, suggerendo una riflessione sulla categoria dell’oggetto testo. FORPRAL esaminerà questo retaggio di religiosità paneuropeo, recuperando testimonianze conservate o indirette, e svolgerà una rigorosa analisi delle politiche di censura volte a regolare semplici forme di religiosità. Il progetto culminerà nella redazione della biblioteca digitale delle preghiere proibite, un archivio digitale ad accesso aperto.


Between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, the Indexes of prohibited books alone included more than seventy prayers in the vernacular, all deeply rooted in the daily practice of everyday piety and widely disseminated in pamphlets and books of hours. These prayers were mainly used to ask for favours: curing sickness, seeking protection from sudden death or controlling the will of a lover and were effective whether they were read out, worn round the neck like reliquaries or amulets, in contact with the diseased part of the body or used with herbs or other elements. For this reason, they were widely disseminated among the uneducated and represent a hybrid category of text-object. Taking into account the nature of the prayers as a whole, the Indexes tried to eradicate objects, practices and forms of piety looked upon as vain or superstitious. The effectiveness of these prohibitions in the countries of the so-called Counter-Reformation was such that many texts and pamphlets were, or were thought to have been, lost for ever. This project proposes to fill the bibliographical gap in this corpus neglected by the studies on early modern censorship, to consider extending the prohibitory categories of the text to include the devotional object, to restore this pan-European heritage of piety by recovering preserved or indirect testimonies of forbidden prayers, and to perform a rigorous analysis of the censorship policies aimed at regulating simple forms of religiosity. The use of a corpus unexplored to this day and the approach to the study of prayers in their historical, symbolic and material dimensions are some of the novelties of this proposal. The action will culminate with the compilation of a digital repository, the Forbidden Prayers Digital Library: a catalogue raisonné and a space of open access to the text and object that will contribute to the recovery of a part of the European religious culture erased by the effects of Inquisitorial censorship.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 172 932,48
08193 Cerdanyola Del Valles

Mostra sulla mappa

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 172 932,48