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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Joint Bodies in Bilateral Agreements


Ein genauerer Blick auf die Abkommen zwischen der EU und Drittländern

Vertretungspersonen der Europäischen Kommission und des Europäischen Rates arbeiten über bilaterale Abkommen mit Drittländern zusammen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt JBinBA untersuchen, was geschieht, wenn sie befugt sind, das Abkommen zu ändern oder verbindliche Beschlüsse zu fassen, da dies ihre demokratische Legitimität in Frage stellt. Das Projekt konzentriert sich auf gemeinsame Gremien, die zwischen der EU und Drittländern als Gemeinschaftsorgane eingerichtet wurden, und untersucht den darin einbezogenen Ermessensspielraum der Europäischen Kommission. Im Rahmen des Projekts wird untersucht, ob die Größe und die Art des Regimes (Demokratie) maßgeblich für Handlungseinbußen von Staaten sind. Die Forschenden werden gemeinsame Gremien in 550 bilateralen Abkommen erfassen.


This project will put a spotlight on joint bodies (JBs), which refers to common institutions set up between the European Union (EU) and third countries through their bilateral agreements. They bring together representatives from the EU (Commission and/or Council) and the third country to oversee implementation. Beyond the ability to discuss common problems and issue recommendations, they are sometimes even empowered to amend the agreement or adopt binding decisions, which raises concerns about their democratic legitimacy. Although the number of JBs run into the hundreds and their decision-making powers attract increasing attention, our knowledge about them is limited. This project would help to significantly narrow this discrepancy.
The objective of this project is to explain Commission discretion in these bodies. We draw on principal–agent theory to highlight that, in designing international institutions, states rationally weigh expected benefits of delegation against expected costs. We argue that the size of agency losses is determined by whether agreements are concluded in an area of high politics, the need for policy expertise, the duration of an agreement, and the underlying decision rule among principals. In terms of third-country characteristics, we theorize that size and regime type (democracy) play a role in states’ determination of agency losses. To test these expectations, we will first generate an original dataset mapping JBs across ca. 550 bilateral agreements and primarily use regression analyses, albeit with some qualitative evidence from interviews to corroborate the causal mechanisms. Second, we will use stratified random sampling to conduct a survey among at least 100 Commission officials active in JBs and interpret the data employing both quantitative and qualitative methods.
This project will be empirically innovative, theoretically informed, and methodologically rigorous and produce findings relevant for scholars, policy makers, and citizens.


€ 186 167,04
5020 Salzburg

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€ 186 167,04