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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

La MaMa Experimental Theatre: a lasting bridge between cultures


Wie der La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club einen Bewusstseinswandel voranbrachte

Der La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club wurde von Ellen Stewart gegründet, der oft zugeschrieben wird, das älteste noch verbliebene und zugleich einflussreichste Off-Off-Broadway-Theater gegründet zu haben – einen Ort, der kulturelle und geopolitische Barrieren für unterrepräsentierte Kunstschaffende aus dem Weg geräumt hat. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MariBet wird eine eingehende Studie zur Geschichte dieses Theaters zwischen 1961 und 1975 – der wichtigsten Phase des künstlerischen Austausches zwischen dem La MaMa und europäischen Kunstschaffenden – durchführen und dabei auch mehrere historische Theaterproduktionen unter der Regie des europäischen Regisseurs Andrei Serban untersuchen. Ferner möchte das Projekt die Beteiligung des Theaters in Bezug auf die Annäherung an relevante soziopolitische Fragen sowie in Bezug auf die Förderung von interkulturellen Dialogen in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart analysieren.


MariBet is focused on the activity of La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club of New York, founded by Ellen Stewart (1919-2011) in 1961 in order to give voice to artists marginalized by both the institutional theatres of Broadway and the Off-Broadway scene: a theatre conceived as an integration point in overcoming cultural and geo-political barriers and engaging artists in a common artistical research. Nowadays La MaMa produces performances always addressed to current social issues like immigration and welcoming refugees. The topic of the research is then in line with the current European political situation marked by the debate on migration flow.
Main objectives are: 1. fill the gap in the field of theatre studies with an in-depth study of the history of La MaMa on which there are no exhaustive investigations yet; 2. analyse its engagement in promoting intercultural dialogues both in the past and in the present. These objectives will be reached through an interdisciplinary research, combining the historical and semiological investigation to the sociological analysis of the issues related to the performances presented by La MaMa. This project is timely because the historical distance from the facts allows a critical objectivity in the study of the subject, the emerging interest on the comparison between Avant-Garde theatre and contemporary theatre, the principles investigated by La MaMa over the years still impact on our society today.
The project (36 months) will be hosted at the Department of Cultures and Civilizations (CUCI - UNIVR, Italy) and in the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center (MESTC, Graduate Center – CUNY, US), involving the non-academic cultural institution La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club of New York. The detailed research and training program will be supervised by prof. Simona Brunetti (main supervisor) and by prof. Marvin Carlson (in US), both renowned scholars of theatre with expertise in History and Theory of Theatre.


€ 251 002,56
37129 Verona

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€ 251 002,56

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