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Capitalising Public Narratives in the organising of Grassroots Roma Women

Description du projet

Les femmes roms comme activistes

Malgré des mobilisations ininterrompues, le mouvement des femmes roms a rencontré certains obstacles l’empêchant d’être mieux organisé. La maigre documentation scientifique n’a pas encore analysé la façon dont les réseaux existants de solidarité, de soutien ou d’écoute respectueuse entre les femmes roms et leurs alliées non roms peuvent être transformés en un mouvement mieux organisé, qui renforcerait l’application de leurs droits fondamentaux. Le projet Narratives4Change, financé par l’UE, analysera l’approche dite Public Narrative en tant que modèle théorique et pratique prometteur de la pratique de leadership et du rassemblement, en se demandant, lorsqu’elle est appliquée par les associations civiques, dans quelle mesure elle contribue à mobiliser les organismes des membres et à activer leur capacité stratégique pour avoir un impact social et politique. En s’appuyant sur cette analyse, Narratives4Change apportera sa contribution aux nouvelle connaissances innovantes sur les conditions qui doivent exister pour que le modèle Public Narrative soit capitalisé par les associations de femmes roms en Espagne, en informant sur la façon de progresser pour mieux organiser le mouvement des femmes roms en Europe.


In contrast to what social imaginary portrays, Roma women are not passive in regard to the racial and gender-based discrimination they face across Europe. They participate in various forms of political and social activism through Roma women-led civic associations, slightly achieving more representation in higher structures of power. Despite on-going mobilisations, the Roma women’s movement has faced obstacles that prevented it from being better organised. Scant scientific literature has yet analysed how existing networks of solidarity, support, or respectful listening between Roma women and other non-Roma allies, can be turned into a better-organised movement and contribute to a better strategic process as a way to enforce Roma and Roma women’s fundamental rights. Conceived as a qualitative research, Narratives4Change project will study what has been theorised as “Public Narratives”, an effective leadership practice for community organising that is used worldwide. The project’s main goal will be to examine Public Narrative as a promising theoretical and practical model of the leadership practice and organising, inquiring on how when applied by civic associations it contributes to activate members’ agency and their strategic capacity to achieve social and political impact. Special attention will be granted to those civic associations working in the field of education, health and gender equality, mainly with at-risk social groups. Drawing on this analysis, Narratives4Change will contribute novel knowledge about the conditions that need to exist in order for the Public Narrative model be capitalised by Roma women associations in Spain, informing how to advance in better organising the Roma women movement in Europe. Its theoretical contributions are of major relevance for Europe in current times. It will unveil actions and strategies for the social inclusion of Roma and the empowerment of Roma women, thus suggesting ways of making EU funds more effective and impactful.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 245 732,16
08193 Cerdanyola Del Valles

Voir sur la carte

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 245 732,16

Partenaires (1)