CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Unifying Monitoring Models of Verbal Monitoring.


Ein Modell für Sprachmonitoring

Fehler beim Sprechen können durch Sprachmonitoring-Mechanismen ermittelt werden. Damit verbundene Defizite können zu Sprachpathologien wie Stottern führen. Leider gibt es bei Sprachmonitoring-Mechanismen viele Wissenslücken. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt UMMs verbindet das funktionale und strukturelle Schema neuronaler Verbindungen im Gehirn mit verhaltensbezogenen Messungen, wobei große Kontrollgruppen genutzt werden, um die Sprachproduktion und die Ausführung kognitiver Steuerungsaufgaben zu untersuchen. Ziel ist es, Zusammenhänge zwischen sprachlicher Kompetenz und verschiedenen Monitoring-Modellen, kognitiver Steuerung und Sprachmonitoring-Fähigkeiten und Sprachmonitoring-Prozessen bei der Wahrnehmung herzustellen. Das neue Modell wird mittels transkranieller Magnetstimulation validiert.


Everyone makes mistakes during speech production. However, to facilitate communication, it is important to limit errors during production (e.g. selecting the wrong word but also disfluencies such as ‘ums’ and stuttering), and to identify errors while listening. This is achieved by applying monitoring mechanisms. Deficits in verbal monitoring mechanisms are linked to severe pathologies, such as stuttering, aphasia and hearing voices. Currently, there are a number of theories that explain part of the mechanisms of verbal monitoring. Despite its central role in language processing, astonishingly, no full account exists. Contemporary verbal monitoring models differ widely with respect to some fundamental properties, indicating significant knowledge gaps. This research project fills in these theoretical gaps by relating the functional brain connectome and structural brain connectome with behavioural measures. We exploit the individual variability of a large cohort of healthy adult individuals, by testing groups on the two extremes of performance on cognitive control tasks, and on two extremes of language production tasks. In four work packages, we investigate the neurobiological and behavioural underpinnings of verbal monitoring in healthy adults. The proposal clarifies 1) if a relationship exists between production competence and monitoring (as per production models of monitoring) and 2) if measures of cognitive control are related to verbal monitoring skills (as per conflict models of monitoring) and 3) the involvement of these processes verbal monitoring in perception. To reach this goal we relate the functional brain connectome and structural brain connectome with behavioural measures. The output of 1-3 is used to inform a new model of verbal monitoring. As a final step, the new model is validated by applying TMS to critical cortical components of the model. The proposed project will constitute major progress in our understanding of the verbal monitoring mechanism.


€ 187 572,48
6525 XZ Nijmegen

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Oost-Nederland Gelderland Arnhem/Nijmegen
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 187 572,48