Descripción del proyecto
Los robots biológicos pronto podrían ser una realidad
Los microrrobots biocompatibles capaces de moverse de forma autónoma tendrán muchas aplicaciones biomédicas, incluida la administración de fármacos. Las enzimas se han posicionado como moléculas interesantes para favorecer la autopropulsión de microrrobots debido a su capacidad para convertir sustratos en productos. El proyecto DNA-bots, financiado con fondos europeos, es una iniciativa impulsada por la nanotecnología que se propone desarrollar nanorrobots propulsados por enzimas. Estos robots integrarán además nanointerruptores de ADN, sensores que sufren un cambio conformacional predefinido al unirse con una secuencia diana. La idea es que estos dispositivos nanorrobóticos biocompatibles y biodegradables sean capaces de responder específicamente a determinados estímulos con gran eficacia y sensibilidad y liberar su carga.
WHY: Enzyme-powered nanorobotic devices are able to self-propel thanks to the conversion of a substrate into products, holding a great potential for biomedical applications. A step forward in the field would be the precise control and design over the structure and enzyme spatial configuration, as well as the integration of complex functions. WHAT: DNA-bots is an interdisciplinary approach in which enzyme-propulsion and DNA nanotechnology will be merged to develop a new class of biocompatible and biodegradable nanorobotic devices able to self-propel, sense and actuate in front of specific stimuli. To achieve this goal, I will undertake a high risk/high gain research approach at the forefront of nanotechnology. The leading idea is to design and fabricate DNA nanostructures which will be site-specifically functionalized with enzymes to generate self-propulsion. The enzyme-powered DNA nanorobots will be further engineered by integrating DNA nanoswitches able to sense and perform loading and release of cargoes upon specific stimuli. HOW: The challenge met by this Project is to provide a groundbreaking contribution to DNA nanotechnology and nanorobotics. To achieve these objectives, I will be trained at the Host group led by Prof. Francesco Ricci (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy), which is a young and dynamic team at the vanguard of the use of DNA nanotechnology for sensing and drug-delivery applications. The Fellowship will proceed through a well-defined set of research and training tasks, organized into four work packages. Thanks to this MSCA Fellowship, I will continue expanding my scientific knowledge and acquiring cutting-edge skills (in synthetic biology, DNA nanotechnology, and nanorobotics), which will significantly impact my career as a researcher and help me to strenghten my position as an independent and mature researcher.
Ámbito científico
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EFCoordinador
00133 Roma