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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Perspective of a real-time structural analysis tool assistant based on Computer Vision and Human Intuition


Aufbau eines virtuellen Bauingenieurwesens

Häuser mögen wie eine statische Struktur aussehen, doch sie werden fortwährend durch leichte Schwingungen aufgrund von fahrenden Autos oder starkem Wind beeinflusst. Es ist wichtig, dass Ingenieure die Gebäudebewegungen unter Verwendung von Risikobewertungsinstrumenten für Baustrukturen erfassen können. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FORSEES bringt diese Analyse auf eine neue Stufe. Es legt das Fundament für Echtzeit-Diagnosen zur Gesundheit lebendiger Architekturen durch künstliche Intelligenz (KI). Im Rahmen des Projekts wird ein Gerät für maschinelles Sehen entwickelt, das Ingenieuren dabei hilft, einen sechsten Sinn für Echtzeit-Analysen von Baustrukturen zu entwickeln, um eine Risikowahrnehmung zu etablieren und die Leistung von Architekturen zu untersuchen.


Many of today’s world challenges cover the domain of safety and civil society. In a world like this the need for doctors and diagnosticians of the complex building and infrastructures organisms is imperative and high-priority. The number of variables have exponentially risen and the expert point of view is becoming more and more out of reach. The gap that just some decades ago would have required some years of work experience can be closed nowadays only with the help of new technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is displaying all its power for diagnosing pathologies and diseases in Human Medicine. Imagine to apply the same framework for buildings in order to have the real-time health of the living architectures. Computer science and data analytics are capable of extracting patterns from these data and of producing a knowledge graph of the external reality. The project integrates digital pattern perception with human percepetion models. This models are object of studies for cognitive neurosciences, and by monitoring neurofunctional activity it could be possible to grasp and interpret where a structural intuition resides when a human performs related simple tasks. This structural intuition, in form of a mathematical structure (algorithmic relations), would create an AI tool as structural assistant to see the forces alive by a Computer Vision device. It would represent the growth of a sixth sense for real time structural analyses, building risk perception and architectures performance investigation. The chosen research institutions to carry out in the project are: Structural Engineering Department (DISEG) of Politecnico di Torino, MIT Senseable City Lab and BioRobotic Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa as Secondment. The intelligent structural assistant that represents the research goal will rise up the knowledge to the level of extensive prediction, opening humans to a knowledge based on imaging and exploring more than focus and execution.


€ 251 002,56
10129 Torino

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Nord-Ovest Piemonte Torino
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 251 002,56

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