Europäische Konferenz zum Thema Nanotechnologie und moderne Werkstoffe
Das Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts ENF2019 lautete, die im Rahmen des Programms Horizont 2020 erzielten Fortschritte in Wissenschaft und Innovation zu überprüfen. Als Bestandteil dieses Vorhabens wurde das EuroNanoForum 2019 organisiert, das vom 12. bis 14. Juni 2019 im zweitgrößten Verwaltungsgebäude der Welt, dem Parlamentspalast in Bukarest, Rumänien, stattfand. Das Forum war die bedeutendste europäische Veranstaltung dieser Art und vereinte Fachleute aus Wissenschaft, Industrie und Politik. Es wurde von Teilnehmenden aus Europa und der ganzen Welt besucht. Es boten sich hervorragende Gelegenheiten zur Diskussion über Spitzenforschung und erfolgreiche industrielle Umsetzungen im Bereich der Nanotechnologie und modernen Werkstoffe.
"This Coordination Action aims to prepare a EuroNanoForum 2019 (ENF2019) conference focused on ""Nanotechnology and advanced materials progress under Horizon2020 and beyond"", where an overview on cutting edge research in nanotechnology and advanced materials areas will be provided, featuring the opportunity to present the successful industrial implementations.
The general objective of the ENF2019 is to attract a critical mass of researchers with relevant results and to facilitate their discussions with various stakeholders acting in nanotechnologies and advanced materials areas in NMBP. Also, EU and national policy makers will be invited and engaged in debates on future challenges and research priorities, especially in the perspectives of post-Horizon2020 scenarios. For that reason, the motto of the ENF2019 will be “Almost there - what’s next?.
ENF2019 would be a forum of research and innovation developed under Horizon 2020 open to all entities producing excellent science, industrial leadership and tackling societal challenges. The goal is to review the achievements during Horizon2020 in world-class science production, innovation and as well as successful links to the public and private sectors working together in delivering innovation in all Horizon2020 priority areas.
The event is planned to start with 2-day conference where distinguished speakers will be invited to initiate timely discussions and exchange ideas on scientific issues encountered in nanotechnology and advanced materials progress, as well as key policy, industrial and societal issues.
A third day will be dedicated to networking between scientists, industrialists and policy makers to initiate future cooperation in research and innovation, to discuss strategic research priorities and to build partnerships for future funding calls, during the workshops and brokerage events.
Industrial and research exhibition and posters are planned to complement the event package."
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